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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. I thought my prayers had been answered lol and somebody shot him, apart from freddy who shot him with his pump action cock gun in the mouth
  2. bas tard cats id love to hit the wanker police with the corpse of a dead one. youll prob find she owns cats herself, and that dogs and humans are alien to this planet so you cant do what comes naturally to you
  3. exactly wee sex offender mike was hammering them and th proper fighters foreman was taking care of them
  4. get lewis outta retirement and knock the hairdo outa fury, or even holyfield, fcuk it id even bet big foreman to do it too
  5. and quite the opposite is true aswell, a dog that deals with cats is a real asset to have around the land we hunt as the farmers are tortured by ferrals especially where chickens and ducks are concerned
  6. exactly if fury goes to mma after talking the shit he did then he gets his ass handed to him on a plate. then theres kickboxing the same happens there and theres no money in it. if he put as much effort into finding opponents as he does talking sh1te he would show what hes made off. the only opponent here now for him is price and id give fury the credit of being far better than him so wins hands down
  7. fury doesn't want found out its no good for his legacy lolololololol
  8. charity starts at home the only reason the police want it to be claimed is to arrest the kunt who nicked it. I would have said nowt to anybody and spent the winter and summer hunting and salmon fishing in alaska
  9. it went for a walk with a gay magician, and disappeared with a poof
  10. Very good Neil,with some of the shit you come out with it would not surprise me. I thought you 2 were mates
  11. them dogs were shite on that vid that deer left them for dust. after it was coarsed by a 4x4 lol
  12. its very sporting what you did, fair play. but it always give the antis the ammo they need with the argument of if you didn't dispatch it then why bother harassing it by digging it in the 1st place. but its nice to see them run.
  13. anno what utter balls. I cant remember the health and safety at ferreting act 1974.
  14. haye has lost credit as hes been full of excuses of late. if h was injured he should have just said no at the start. hes just made a fool of himself. now who do I want to see knocking fury out? anybody lol but to give him credit I think he would wipe the floor with price. fcuk me without haye the heavey weight division Is crap
  15. bucket of blue steam, population tool for the saw,
  16. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. NEVER. the fab four will never be topped. EVER. now don't get me wrong the bee gees were great like roy orbison, the who, etc elvis comes in 2nd everybody else is only competeing for 3rd place, the 50s and 60s were the greatest music eras
  17. whats the fastest mammal on earth? an ethiopean with a dinner ticket
  18. most of them are junkies anyway, and prob on the dla. they feel insulted that theyre expected to work for a living and most expect to be paid 300 a week for being protesters, they feel theyr superior beings and beyond the relm of manual work in the land of acid atlantis
  19. were l doomed and badgers will take over the earth led by bri the badger pedo may. fcuk it wheres the yanks im going to live over there with them. hunt what ya want
  20. a guy 2 mins from me has a bitch that he digs too shes game as feck but mute. I asked him to stick a greyhound over her and id buy th litter take what I wanted then cull the rest. he just laughed lol
  21. Just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time these lads keep themselves to themselves as far as hunting goes I would have been up for gbh aswell then, let them earn their money trying to get the dogs off ya
  22. 100% correct, its the fools with the cameras that's ruining it all, and its only a matter of time before a big score is had by the antis.
  23. id prefare a bolt to a dig anyday as I like to see the lurcher used for the run then catch, but theres always no matter how rough the earthwork is the fox wont bolt, and then the obvious dig takes place. evry type of hunting dog comes into its own in these different situations working like a big pack till the job is done
  24. Big G, I disagree with the bit where you said "and no matter what people admit too,". There are men who go through the whole of their lives having never had a strongdog or a lurcher present on a dig. They are usual men who are brilliant with their hands and able to use a shovel. If the quarry is to be killed a firearms is used and if the quarry is to be relocated or freed they use their hands or step out of the way to let it by. If the quarry is further up the tube they trench or tunnel on, torch in mouth and slide in on their belly to get the job done. Using a dog to draw is often an excu
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