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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. neither does Tyson sure he suffers with depression and how would he feel getting kod by klitschko.
  2. good pics, that fox must havewantd to be a traveller
  3. bet it rusts to dust in about 8 years lolol especially the ford version
  4. Pm me ya number butt knew he had bumming in mind lolol
  5. unless your stevie wonder in disguise??????? over here it would be like mackerel fishing.
  6. very well written. but I can see a headline tomorrow by ukip condemning it lol as its offensive to non native. same as the shite printed over by the papers from an American saying we need to design another flag. wtf is wrong with the northern Ireland flag we have?????? the red hand of ulster that is one of the 6 provinces. if anybody gets offended by the province of ulster then they need to speak to the irish history makers lol not some yank
  7. Not sure of the name think its not far from st Stevens if that means anything lol drop me ya num in pm and il give ya a call to speak and we are coming there middle of January no bumming each other you 2. this a hunting forum
  8. I think they took the saying "im dieing to go for a spin in that car" too seriously. was unlucky but they must have thought that the films made them invincible, ohhhh how reality bites back. rip
  9. she looks like one of those posh nympho women from a lords mannor house that's been kept away from civilization in confessions of a window cleaner lol posh tart whose fandango eats the leg of her at the smell of drink.
  10. It would surely!! I also hope that does not happen! with any luck they will hopefully build up resistance to it and come back strong
  11. it would be a sad day if it wiped them out all over, yes they can be a pest but they are the staple of th predators we hunt and gave us plenty of pocket money in the 90s selling them to the greyhound men, im sure most would agree that if they all died out hunting would collapse as it would affect the whole eco system
  12. that was some fox. we tried loads of places that day and didn't touch either, must have been one of them days for everybody lol
  13. night mare that day for gus lol with his flat spare wheel lol anno mate, that was just unlucky. did yous get any that day?
  14. good pics, you fairly get your numbers up, see he got the punctures fixed on the trailer
  15. somebody should send him a vid of a ferret working it might catch on lolol
  16. reading through this topic I laughed my balls off at some of the stuff typed. but fcuk me theres some dirty oul men on here lololol shame on you lolol if you got one off her tits in a headlock youd be there for the weekend. give me Nadia G any day
  17. Well it would! The cat reminds me of one years ago, pulled this wee nice piece and went back to her flat. Well she had this black cat and I thought "I'll be nice and give the wee c**t a clap" well did the wee f****r not hiss and take a swipe at me!! So this bint goes to the kitchen to pour us a wee drink and the cat has jumped up on the couch walked along the back and stands on the arm flicking its tail from side to side, enticing me! it was then I clocked them!! Like two wee velvety marbles!! I carefully lined up my finger and thumb and put as much force behind them as I could...... THLUMP!!
  18. tie string around tin cans and then around the cats tail and let him run till he dies
  19. I think they should all just meet up and have a proper fight or group hug
  20. mon lads is there ever any hare topic on here that doesn't turn into a row? jesus Christ it only ruins every one.
  21. I just hope when they do harass and terrorise the shoots some one shoots the fcuk outa the whole tribe of antis. theres bound to be a volunteer out there whod take one for the field sports cause. edited to say brian may is a wanker before they quote me on it
  22. They sent death threats and abuse to the family that had a baby attacked by a fox. Complete freaks they are. very true, whats the chances off this post ending up on scum watch 2? id say infinity to 1 it wont. they never let the truth get in the way off a good lie
  23. did you read the anti comment, its basically saying that those kids were not attacked by a fox. what utter wankstains, suppose it was the tooth fairy or the easter bunny or some other figment of their imagination???? what bubbles the antis live in, they thing all the animals live o a diet of fresh air and spring water. funny how their thoughts change when it happen to them, ISNT THAT RIGHT BRI THE BADGER MAY, THOSE DEER YOU PAID PEOPLE TO SHOOT WERE ONLY EATTING FRESH AIR AND SPRING WATER, NOT YOUR PLANTS.
  24. the worst thing that happened to the dog was the money put on it
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