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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. Depending on the quarry a saluki will go for the long game if required but there are plenty about that will nail them on tight circles what do you run pures or hybrids?
  2. i gues the salukis do the same as wolves by running their prey into the ground then making a kill where a greyhound uses its sheer speed ?
  3. some shite on here at times. if your hunting and killing rabbits hurts you more than the rabbit then its time to pack it in. anybody who hunts and calls others cruel is hypocrits. killing is killing
  4. only in America lol did you nick the rig from the movie set off mad max? you have some good hunting good luck
  5. doesn't annoy me im no fury fan, but hed wipe the floor with price. but to be honest the only decent one fury has beaten was chizora fair play that's 1 more than price, Tyson is young but he needs better management whos gona get fightrs for him to fight, if this is the easiest era for heavyweights should Tyson not be ko ing every challenger, not for the money but for the self respect and hunger to prove hes hungry and willing to challenge the top? and if he fails to reach the top does that mean h wasn't really that good in the 1st place. fury should fight price next just to get him out the
  6. Very true id say, as seen below, these are the ones that cross them with greyhounds, the coo breeders of salukis keep them pure, i do know that in turkey, when i was a kid, they would be pure and not crossed, but that could have changed, it was a long time ago.. id def be into the gazelle coursing
  7. lolol as always. so I take the saluki and greyhound have been as good to each other in the mating process
  8. I have spent my life with them and would run them against any dogs in uk or ireland there are dogs and dogs are they better than your dogs now of just he same if theyre using greyhounds I them
  9. I had a bull Russell bitch. absolute maniac nice natured but fcuking mad ba stard too hard for her own good
  10. be nice to see a few pics of your we dog. they must be rarer than leprechauns
  11. true but how embarrassed would I be if I did that. these big talkers are only kidding themselves. as elvis sang a little less conversation, a little more action please. what proper pro could be content by beating bumswould love to see some more action but its business now to many looking to pick there way through . Again that's why I would pay my money to see Chisora fight ! anno he seems to wear his heart on his sleeve and faces anybody who wants to go at it. all these dodgers need to wake up and earn the respect the hard way
  12. have any off you serious coarsers ever had the privilege of seeing the other types run in their countries? and would you match your own dogs against any
  13. true but how embarrassed would I be if I did that. these big talkers are only kidding themselves. as elvis sang a little less conversation, a little more action please. what proper pro could be content by beating bums
  14. do you think that yous have sacrificed stamina for the extra speed from the greyhound compared to their dogs?
  15. if the coarsers didn't post them th forum would die out like the terrier section Would it though? Lots of lads that don't do coursing don't post much now as when they put a topic up its on the 3rd page in about 10 minutes because of coursing threads that have been done to death being reposted. yes but how boring would I get if every three months 1 nw topic got posted with other quarry, only for it to be tagged into other anti hunting sites due to the lack of restrictions of visitors in here, mainly being the anti brigade. and who can honestly say that before they posted thy read
  16. home advantage for the arab dogs. running what they run in th deserts, how do you think your dogs would cope?
  17. Soon change your tune when Brian May opens a can of wup ass on you duno about wup ass, more like grope ass with that wankstain
  18. exactly smacking few bums about hes only kidding himself, if they cut the bullshit and want people to believe in them they need to fight quality opponents theyre doing more dancing than a ballerina around people. I think its up to the manager to tell the shite fighters to stop dreaming and hang the gloves up. theres always im a celeb or big brother carreers for those.
  19. neither does Tyson sure he suffers with depression and how would he feel getting kod by klitschko. another stupid post just like your stupid saluki post . why read them for ball beg. I think you want to bum Tyson, you want your tongue to be his bog roll, your prob pulling the chop over him. yes you might see it as support but fcuksake open your eyes hes not that great, as many have stated this could possible be the easiest era for heavyweights to get belts, so if Tyson fails how shit does that make him?????? maybe if I start a thread saying tysons gunks are up for sale then tha
  20. for the coursing lot, would you say the british/irish bred dogs you lot use be better at the job than salukis even in their own countries? would you say that yous took the desert dogs and developed them for the better?. p.s no arguing or bull kack.
  21. has any off you ever seen one with a banger in behind the teeth, lit then dropped and just when its about to hit the hedge BOOM.
  22. imagine trying to get a mark on one off them old knocker boxes with the rims interfering with the signal
  23. well that must be the foxes equivalent of a motor home
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