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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. has there ever been a fair dig between 2 members off here or do they shite themselves and end p hugging eachother
  2. has anybody even tried to contact the hunt in question? to see if its any way true. all blown outa proportion by antis if you ask me. lads best not to comment on sheite like this until its proven correct. it just makes look like dicks accussing people. it happened to the hunt near me last year they killed a cat. the lady was minding for the cats protection. well she understood that dogs and cats don't get on and was fine it was a genuine accident. then the cats protection visited her then it was all over the news ans blown out of context just for the antis to keep them happy.
  3. 2 fcukin escaped loony monkey ba stards need beat every day off their lives, then the night before parole a 1 way ticket to the pedo they worship. they need their tongue cut out and their bollix nailed to table then kicked to death. and the rest of the monkies families too. and when dead cut their balls off and send them to the pm. for he seems to have lost his. their should be a media ban on what goes on inside the court room, for their only glorifying what they say
  4. the rats sent a petition into the eu court in Brussels saying how it affected their human rights so they made it illegal
  5. nice dog mate. that's exactly how my mats looked only he was bluey black n colour tried to finish the dig himself. lol great stopping dogs but not a week in week ut digging dog due to sick bay lol
  6. Yeah a handy size dog with a head like a basin,great dog to find in a big place,would scream on his way up to the quarry then when he met his opponent all would go silent,as said hard as nails. the mate had a wheaten x patt, toooo hard destroyed himself not for my liking, mute aswell. long dead now
  7. there only 1 JOE CALZAGHE. froch is good but he aint no joe calzaghe. more like maccranelli
  8. As stated on here before by myself and others,any cur dog will draw at the end of a dig,it proves nothing of gameness in a dog,all it proves is your terriers are shite and stand back from the quarry so you need a draw dog to go in and get it out.You also talk on another thread (wheaten crosses)about all the drawing experience you have with wheaten crosses(I cannot put up the pictures nudge nudge wink wink)you live in County Down(Ireland)you have 24 posts on this site and you have admitted on several occasions that you use draw dogs.I know you are only telling tall tales to impress us all!!!!!!
  9. so are them arabs p for matching their dogs against british/irish dogs? be good to see the difference man made evolution has created between them pures and the hybrids of the uk n ire
  10. just a cracking cross in my mind and like as already been said the coat is top notch in todays funked up world. nice bitch too
  11. right that's it every body fair dig. bare bellies. soon sort out th spoofers. lol this thread has gone like a coursing one.
  12. so how would a pure be a better sire to pups than a proven coursing champion that's saturated in saluki blood? surely hed offer better genetics to future pups.. its your choice I know
  13. i never called the man a coward an i dont for a min believe he cracked under pressure, he prob been bumping them off on a regular basis, his mistake was getting caught on camera pictures get can you into trouble did he get into trouble for that?
  14. froch v grove who he has already beaten. then froch v ward whos already beaten froch. hows he afraid of a man hes already beaten but wants to fight the man whos already beaten him. that's balls in my mind
  15. on theyre way to hit the british barracks in gibralter. helped by the Spanish e,t,a no doubt. yeah they planned to blow up a 'changing of the guard' ceremony i think...which is obviously wrong, terrorism. However what Im pointing out is, they were terrorists, who are the taliban? United Nations? if its ok to do it in the middle of a crowdedvstreet, outside a petrol station, no questions asked. Why isnt it ok to shoot a terrorist, in the middle of a corn field, nobody around, who five minutes before was shooting at them, and he's already wounded...? anno its a joke. as t
  16. the soldier deserves a medal its people with attitudes like yours that explains why the system is so fcuked up. you the sort to judas people, point a gun from a distance then when caught by the balls cry victim? now lets get this right, this is a group of soldiers around a disarmed wounded man chatting for five minutes then execute him,plot a cover up before he stops shaking an you think they need medals banter your making it out like they just went up and shot him dead for nothing. if someone was to shoot at you would you go up and help him after you fired back and wounded him? id put
  17. the soldier deserves a medal its people with attitudes like yours that explains why the system is so fcuked up. you the sort to judas people, point a gun from a distance then when caught by the balls cry victim?
  18. oh ffs the name calling really offends me. pleasssssssssssssse stop. do you agree on it ?
  19. sliced chicken supper with gravy. its got nothing to do with british judiciary. them men are trained to kill and do a hard job out there. same as any where else they served. it wasn't peas from a pea shooter being fired at them. that kunt was fireing at them 5 mins before hand. he got caught and delt with he had to accept the consequinces which he initiated. not like he was feeding his saluki. who does that armed with an ak47answer the question ? out there in those situations no. over here and mainland uk yes with exception to hunting act.
  20. sliced chicken supper with gravy. its got nothing to do with british judiciary. them men are trained to kill and do a hard job out there. same as any where else they served. it wasn't peas from a pea shooter being fired at them. that kunt was fireing at them 5 mins before hand. he got caught and delt with he had to accept the consequinces which he initiated. not like he was feeding his saluki. who does that armed with an ak47
  21. on theyre way to hit the british barracks in gibralter. helped by the Spanish e,t,a no doubt.
  22. 4 pages of answers and not 1 from a single female. lolololololol are you lot waiting on a bitch coming into heat lol
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