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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. fox dropper, whats more alarming is these assholes that are the antis dictate to us how we shouldn't hunt whenever they haven't a clue, and the worst bit is most hunters bow down to them wanting the quiet life.
  2. protection for mink is a joke for the other wild life that's lik protecting muzzies from us natives. oh wait a miniute that happens aswell.
  3. frann if your brilliant at darts, dart down to the shop n get me a 2ltr of milk
  4. the guy that created the dogo done well enough, have a go its only your time that's used
  5. feckin bitches just like women complete psychos when after child birth
  6. rab c was good, open all hours was good although not the same without r barker. still game was great to watch aswell those comedies (except oah) and irn brew is as good as Scotland gets hahahahaha
  7. this could make a good thread if the bitchfest stops
  8. goat why do you backrip bobby a lot on here does it annoy you that he and stig are friends? my take is you can put 100% trust in the we dogs not to let you down and most decent workers wont, but like us dogs are living creatures and I sure can have off days. id also say that until you retire the we dogs in question whether he dug you 100 or 500 or lower if he never came out once then for breeding that dog was 100% for the time you worked him/her. I for one believe that theres an apprenticeship period for the dog to gain experience where he will make mistakes but the good smart dogs lear
  9. that's a very good thought j darcy. and if stolen terriers that were stolen because of their working abilities were being pupped for dosh theres a good chance the pups will work too, keeping these thieving kunts in good business. so how many off the men out here would give their pup back to the rightful owner if it came out that th pup was off stolen parents? especially if you knew the victim in person??
  10. lucky bitch, you done the right thing grabbing her the 1st chance you got as it could have been your only chance. sand is a bastaad
  11. holy fcuk that just reminded me of breaking my ankle poor bas tard
  12. steve66 they say shite doesn't burn
  13. PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE PUTIN. show the west how its done kick the kunts back to the mud huts they came from. maybe start a trend throughout europe
  14. i hope every fcuking plane drops from the sky and every boat sinks and all the coaches crash n burn with thse shit ba$tarding scrounging parasitic fcuking c**t$ on them. theres no room in the inn its full. foooook afff home again. I really hope the politicians who allow this get publicly stoned to death. this is going to be the straw that breaks the camels back I hope.
  15. stick a wheaten grey over her you keep te coat add strength bit of height and decent feet 5/8 o 3/4 and they are good all rounders too
  16. talking about pricing, in the countrymans weekly dec 25th half cross bull grey pups for sale £600. absolute fcuking rip off. that was in England too.
  17. it must be a sad life for it to be brought from bake book onto here, how can an internet forum get such a hold over peoples lives. have some people nothing better to do. ohhh how did we ever get where we are without the internet. dot take things so seriously its not worth the stress
  18. topper. it was early to mid 90s it was delivering 200 news letters 4 days a week and got 20 quid for it before school in the mornings think I bought my 1st bleeper around 95 it was 70 quid for the Deben ferret finder 15 ft. we just taped the transmitter to th terrier collar when digging
  19. for us when we were able to locate without finders, we only did it with ferrets to start with as our paper rounds only paid 20 quid a week and we couldn't afford bleepers. we found that by being able to locate ferrets a fair few times we just did the same for terriers as they were easier to locate than ferrets but anything over 4ft was hard enough to locate accurately. but thank god for the inventor of finders as im sure they have saved many a dogs life.
  20. I hope the rusians go to town on muslims. the shitskins cant complain when they get bit by the Russian bear theyre poking with a stick. this is a situation where the Russians can show the west how its done
  21. nuc the middle east them give it to the poofs n lizzys to free run in, that sorts the worlds problems
  22. with a title like this thread its one way to start an internet fight. ive met the best and worst of this breed but the difference is that all off them worked.
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