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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. wasnt he the recruiting officer for the terrorist group ulster resistanceyea, but he never killed anybody himself, he hasn't the balls. He's too busy stroking money of every body. But look at Sinn Fein , mcguinness , Kelly, Adams etc they're all murderers and they run the country over here, that shows to younger people that crime pays
  2. They should have been fitted with a taser collar then zapped when they kicked off. All the balls that they act like heros now I front of cameras will change in a week or so when the reality of the sentence kicks in. I hope they commit suicide the monkey ba stard. Justice will never be served whilst they are still alive
  3. Peter Robinson raging about the judgement of what happened, corrupt politics as usuall
  4. I'd love to see john lennons song coming to light, power to the people. And let them exersise the punishment
  5. anno imagine how RVp feels now that he's left arsenal, Rooney isn't worth half of what he's getting paid, he just seems to get on like a spoilt brat and get what he wants, verruca salt without the tits
  6. It's a red eyed fire breathing unemployed under water hair drier salesman chupicabra
  7. thats exactly what I was thinking, kill them 1 at a time and feed the dead one to a farm of pigs then when they're done kill the other after he's seen what's going to happen to him. Ba stards then the government should chuck they're whole families back to coon land.
  8. So where does vitally klitskho come into this? Is he getting into politics to be with Russia or for a free Ukraine?
  9. My dog loves water and fetching sticks so he gets a lot of swimming in strangford lough in the summer and is also my fishing sidekick
  10. I'd say there's more too it, bet there's an Investigation going on and he's bolting now before the shit hits the fan
  11. You'll know if she's doing the dirt, if she starts calling you essay. Or dawg and comes home with her arse like a wizards sleeve
  12. that's a nice bitch , I thought you would have only bred of dogs and bitches that killed them single handed?
  13. There was one made in the north called. Give my head peace, it was funny as feck. Took the piss outa the troubles all in good humour. I always liked still game about the Craig Laing mafia lololol. Winston was comical
  14. Mate over here crime pays it's rotten from the top down, look who's deputy prime minister. We're run by terrorists over here who very rarely if ever condem any terrorist act. That's why the country is f****d. And worst off all they all gurn about their own human rights but killed thousands over the years and didn't give one flying fook about their victims, then there's the Robinson dramas, money laundering, cash for planning deals etc etc abusing their powers to gain for their own coffers, It's Northern Ireland I'm talking about. Lovely place but run by useless fuckwits
  15. lolololol that's a belter answer, Not a care in the world those beasts know their powerful enough to kill a pack of dogs.
  16. Britain would be better keeping out of it, or we'll end up with more asylum seekers
  17. if your serious then leave the terrier work until the new season or if it's a call out to deal with a problem fox. Maybe try helping the foxes by feeding them and next season there's more to hunt rather than wiping them out before their eyes are open.
  18. Jigsaw, it makes a nice change reading your tales of days out on the goats. Get you a job in the countrymans weekly lol. Good read mate
  19. Blair Mayne , heavy weight boxer, all Ireland and British lion rugby player loved his booze great golfer and shooting enthusiast and only a founding member of the sas and the most decorated soldier of ww2. And this was not in the movies either
  20. I've always said from the start that most of the thefts were getting done by gypsies. Who else drives round everywhere looking stuff for free outa peoples gardens eyeing up everything else? I'm sure they're not all bad but I'd never trust one as far as I could throw them.
  21. Katy I'd eat your minge the night girl lol. She's only saying saying what most of us are thinking.
  22. I don't care about Owen Patterson, I' just believe that gb should be run by people who have gbs. Best interests at heart land, river and sea, never mind baldrick says he's going to protest because he makes love to badgers in his badger s n m boudoire, They should be made to cough up the costs that go with letting pest species run riot over here , same for cwis packham. He thinks because he's on tv he's god of the countryside and is allowed to spout his biased shite to the masses of the uneducated. He should be told if you want these animals protected they pay for the damage they cause unc
  23. absolutely none, they're all a bunch of soap dodging trampy fcuked up ass holes Jaysus Big G best you get off that fence before it hurts your hole lol it's happening slowly the demise of land and river management because of the anti brigade, they stopped dredging rivers that needed it and what's happening? Flooding everywhere because of ignorance. Same for tb? Cattle infected everywhere place over run with badgers. Can't do this because of this badgers human rights, can't do that because of that fishes human rights. But what about the rights of the humans affected ? Aye they're brushed
  24. absolutely none, they're all a bunch of soap dodging trampy fcuked up ass holes
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