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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. My view on it is with all the animal having more rights than us humans and getting protected and with no ultimate predator except us at the top of the food chain then over population and disease is rife and spreads like wild fire, except of those man made diseases which is effing shocking. It wouldn't take diseases long to mutate and cross the species barrier
  2. as shocking as that pic might come across to some it's part n parcel of pest control, it shows exactly why the fox is controlled for preying on the farmers livestock, some hunters disagree but cannot deny that it's got to be done when the farmers, bird keepers need. I have done it myself however I usually have the opinion of let them breed in peace and do not hunt in the summer except with rod and line. Unless I get a call from a distressed farmer. But let's not demonise those that do it because you could guarentee that it brings them no joy.
  3. the police are dicks, we were never bothered by day but at night the kunts would follow us over the ards carriageway and shine their spotlights into the fields shouting and screaming to scare everything. And on our way home they would stop us passing the police station and give us all sorts of hassle about badger baiting at night, they had our blood boiling quite a few times. But they ended up telling us they were bored and thought by following us would pass their night in. That's dundonald police station...... And in the mid 90s when we were in high school fs. Baastards
  4. neil it sounds exactly like the Russell's we used to use they were never hard, just out n out buyers and accounted for some head of game and we used to walk past the police station on the way home with hardly ever a mark on the terriers. They're my fav type of work style
  5. i thought the same mate!!! really embarrassing when you see programmes like that the media is fcuked up and choose all types of Shiite, yesterday over here in belfast a big company announced it was closing down and nearly 200 jobs will be lost, and out of all the workers they interviewed a fcuking Eastern European. What absolute assholes
  6. I thought about that show last night, what an awful impression that show gives the people about the English, it reminded me of benefits street. All fat sweaty assed unwashed breeding machines being projected as the great British lolol fcuking joke. That dda needs changed , poor owners getting their dogs taken away for no other reason other than breed
  7. . I have but not burgers. Loverly. Fresh road kill.i don't mean road kill feck that
  8. I'm an arsenal fan but we will be lucky if we get 4th. The f.a cup is our only hope now
  9. Think if I ever had to eat it ( hopefully never) I'd rather supply my own so I knew it was fresh
  10. Pmsl They should be able to take the dogs from the fat usless slag,its obvious to most decent people when a dog is being looked after or not .f*****g owners need pts not the fecking dogs id put money on the staff dog having penetrated that mess too, the tide wouldn't even take her out
  11. Some lovely dogs on that show, just shows that the pit has the bum deal over here, it's the fat dirty smelly baastards that need banned from keeping animals. Must admit there's some stunners over there for Christians new thread, bet if you licked one of their fannys it would be like getting hit with a tazer
  12. gurney, hippy, smelly, unwashed, brainwashing, terrorising, animal molesting, animal right antis
  13. Balls that Walter Mitty needed a hug, I do hope he slept last night as o c d might have kept him awake at the thoughts of my misspelling of wheaten
  14. ya can tell the breeding season is upon us with all the extra testosterone flowing the aggression in thl is mad at the min.
  15. .. Wm. are your dogs your own line with Russell and fell in the blood or did you buy pure plummers? I always like reading a lot of your posts.
  16. Right that's it, out side nie, bare bellies whoever wins the fight gets to title the breed. Good or Shiite
  17. so when a farmer asks to get rid or unwanted ferals do you call him a moron? Same as foxes
  18. Settle for feck all but an all out repeal because I guarentee you that if there's more guidelines to adhere by then it's only going to be harder for you lot to hunt in peace and the antis should be governed a lot tougher for trespass and harassment
  19. Not everybody wants to break their dogs to cats because they're a fcuking pest that's let out to piss n Shiite all over the place the more killed the better
  20. Wm, have to hand it to ya, to say your passionate about plumbers is an understatement lol. But at least you can always say you have given the breed every chance to work when in your kennels. Even though you make a fortune of them on the quiet haha. Fair play to ya WM
  21. Try your local chip shop there's always lots of fish there and your guaranteed a bite.
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