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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. With all the anti British Shiite that goes on now a days, what makes you proud to be British? With me it's the military regiments and the wars that they have won, the engineering side of it too with weapons and vehicles and aircraft. There's nothing more British than the sight of a spitfire flying over head, and the sound of the rolls Royce Merlin engine. What yours? P.s this isn't Britain vs ireland or any crap like that so no offence intended
  2. Who ever over works a dog to exhaustion and near death is better off away from dogs,
  3. Fcuking joke, muzzies would have had an armed police escort and a dla form for them
  4. Chalk her, or get her on a diet or get her a sommnowell device to bring her jaw forwards to open up the airway
  5. the short answer is no,they wont be repatriating them except for perhaps some illegals. so what can they do about these rat baastards comming over by the coach load claiming all sorts and stealing a living too, like the Eastern European ball begs on tv the other night
  6. I'd like to know more direct answers like, yes if we get in Abdul pull the tool is getting turfed to feck out, etc etc
  7. no thanks mate rather have a black coffee, no sugar
  8. But how many innocent people have died by it and I don't mean collusion in Northern Ireland or by paramilitaries
  9. . YEH GASS THEM By Royal approval !dig them , gas them , shoot them, beat them, hang them and when it's done and dusted start the cull on badgers. Lol
  10. What exactly do you ukip plan on doing if they get voted in?. What will they do about this Islam Shiite in schools? Do they want the country run by the Christian principles it has been built on? And what exactly do they plan on doing with the illegals in the uk? It would be nice to get straight answers and not swings and roundabouts
  11. Malt your spot on with that post . Some rich tight arses are that tight they don't even like letting farts go
  12. Wankstains the lot of them but I think England has too big an infection of them to do anything. The fault England committed was by not making them swear an oath and convert to Christianity before entering these shores. Some dick with no foresight in parliament I rekon
  13. I've had 2 discos, a defender and a p38 range and the best was the discos for comfort and drive ability, the 110 made me find out I had kidney stones fs uncomfortable noisey basstard . The rangey drank more than the beer tent brigade at a game fair. The disco was the best but suffered from gingeritus and rotted til death
  14. I know there's bull blood in my dog and there's no direct crosses I know of him even back to his grand parents, where his granda is a small nuttal type and his grandmother is Middleton type lakey bitch, but my boy has a head with the look of bull influence
  15. Right men n ladies, who honestly gives a flying fooook what the next man does with his dogs? There's not one in here except the hunting life curtain twitchers that are pointing out the dog getting it's picture took in a wet barn?.. Come on feck moi. How many of you have posted pictures of dogs out hunting in hard weather?.?. Does that mean that they sleep there? Noooo. So give the op a break fs he only posted a few pics of dogs which look in GREAT HEALTH. So stop all the nit picking n bullkack
  16. I always like hearing about the old bulldogs the history is more exciting than the actual days when it occurred, as most of us get intrigued with a good story. Lol. Good reading
  17. Blair Mayne , Makes Rambo look like a fanjitta.
  18. He's doing some arseing about in that court room. He's guilty, I think they're just trying to get a picture of his mentality to see how long he's getting sent down for. I reckon when she said she's dieing for the bog he took it too seriously
  19. it should be given to them and cut off all aid and leave them too it
  20. im from Northern Ireland mate, g.b . The southerners are happy doing their own thing but I'm sure most would agree its a fecking rip off down there from it joined the euro. We always chase the salmon down there on the weds coast it's a beautiful place but by fcuk it's expensive. When they had the punt it was cheap as chips
  21. Hopefully they scribed from marine a with love on the bullets
  22. Uni bond your floor before tiling aswell
  23. just done that there's about 4 inches so will I stagger the joints?. And if I take my toilet off will the sisterin ( shut it brigzy) fall down no it should be attached to the toilet as it's close coupled as long as you turn the water off you should be fine
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