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Deborah Gilchrist

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About Deborah Gilchrist

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  • Location
    co. durham
  1. hiya everyone i'v told him to join the site he's gonna sign up now! i'm not such a cool mum when i run out the house borking at the sight of a dead rabbit haha
  2. oh believe me this story is very true! yes i called the police who have seized my sons gun for classification and taken a statement..that is what has prompted me to join this site to find him a hunting buddy because i dont want him going out on his own now. he not only gave him a good hiding he also threatened to shoot him if he tried to run away and said he would set his dog on him! now my son is a big lad for his age (over 6 foot) but he is really quiet and shy and didnt even answer the man back
  3. well my son got his first good hiding yesterday from the big fat useless looking farmer out the back of ours and he wasnt even on his land he was on his way to me dads allotment to shoot some rats! he took the lads gun off him and said he thought my lad was on is way over to his fields ( which he wasnt) and gave the old speech that he was just worried he might get hurt off the shot guns that were on his land at the time..nearly crapped himself when it was pointed out that he had just assaulted a minor
  4. might of been a good idea to state that we live in county durham
  5. hiya guys, i'm the mam of a 16 year old who's just crazy about all aspects of hunting, ferreting, lamping etc..he has his own ferrets and a lurcher unfortunatley none of his mates share his passion and as a single mam i have no desire to trek round fields with him haha.. just wondered if anyone out there would care to take him under their wing and learn him all about this as it really is all he talks about!!
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