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Everything posted by firebird91

  1. thas for a shabby 1 mines in good cond i have silencer 177 nd 22 barrel 3-9-40 scopes
  2. duno how to up load photos mukka nice gun tho
  3. il try and puts sum up nw butty
  4. bsa firdbird 22 and 177 barrel silencer 3/9/40 scopes pcp verry powerfull lookin to swap for another pcp or might sell
  5. I think you are ready mate go for head shots try nd sneak up as close as possible until your comfortable before takin a shot 30 35yards ample for a spring air Rifles
  6. Wash in washer with salt sterlizes the close aswel
  7. Tha was my first tidy gun nd realy dun me wel then i [bANNED TEXT] to pcp nd wun go bk
  8. Alrite mates how much does this course cost nd wer do u take it anywer near south wales do u get a certifacate sorry bout al the question
  9. I aint ad 1 for awile butt the rabbit population has droped not meny round wer there used to b
  10. Haha like the bit at the end and cheers for that real help mate
  11. Forgot to ask what does the lms mean in the lamp is it like watts or somethink
  12. Ebay mate lots of mounts on there all i think u need is the size of the scope tube and the lamp tube plenty on there
  13. If they al fail [bANNED TEXT] check airgunbuyer.co.uk they selk gas rams nit bad price eva
  14. If the bunnys are getting imune to it its a good way in away because ther will be still rabbits about to bread after the mixo has hit
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