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Everything posted by Patt's-patts

  1. My son has recently taken his first boar whilst out hunting and has been given , alongside enough meat to fill my freezer, the boars feet as souvenir How am I meant to preserve them? Any advice would be great
  2. Nice pic Good job! Maybe the bunnies won't see im coming cos they think he's part o the herd!
  3. The pup wasn't bothered at all actually! We don't work Irish terriers over here so I figured it was summat to do with showing it. On a separate note I like my dogs docked........
  4. Just been out getting dog food and in supplier couple had a young welsh terrier.... When I looked I saw that both it's ears were glued to its head?! I asked the bloke and he said its cos they weren't pointing the right way ( forward ) and so they glue them till they set. Is this right?! I've never seen it before - dumb question I know but if it's ears are completely glued flat against its forehead can it still hear??
  5. Haven't been on for a while cos I've been busy with my own dogs but just wanted to add that here in Germany Patts are advertised as a rare breed, and come with a FULL pedigree and a certificate of membership to the American Rare Breed society.... This wonderful package means that a patt over here will set you back , wait for it, € 800- I love it! I asked the breeder why and they said because all patts have pedigrees and he was a friend of Brian Nuttal. Hmmm, whatever next!
  6. As long as its older than 12 weeks and had rabies jabs it's not too much hassle any more. Defra have relaxed rules alot. I brought a patt over to Germany 3 years ago - but check defra website for new rules.
  7. Would the tiles like you use in kids play areas b any gud? Or are they too thick? Bit chunky !
  8. Yeah sorry wasn't clear in first post- the tiles are brick tiles (in the sty) thought itd probably be ok to leave them as they are. Rubber matting tho, there's a thought.
  9. I'm converting an indoor old pig pen into extra kennel space and want opinions on what flooring is best? At moment one parts tiled and one parts concrete? What have others got and which would ye recomend? Thanks
  10. That's a hard one! My patt's do same some days- no problems til prey drive kicks in- oddly only the dogs do it, bitches come back no matter what!! Long lead'll do the trick- tracking one 30' then she'll get used to not been able to run- careful though with whip lash, might need little harness til she's got used to the lead... Might help- worked with one of my bitches. Terriers are terriers after all so might just have t live with it!! Good luck!
  11. Yeah I'm thinking that it's no good trying t keep them inside. Bitch in season at moment do can't house em together- my bitch tried to kill her and yer can guess what my dog tries to do Reckon that it's best they stay outside if I can't get it sorted....
  12. One dog n one bitch, I already have one dog n one bitch so I thought that- tried the sprays , don't work , kitchen is stinking!! I always thought they won't go on their beds, got two cages in kitchen but as soon as theyre back in house they go - washing bedding every day !!!
  13. I have taken on 2 new patt's, both 9 month old but they've never lived inside and at moment I haven't got space outside in kennel for them. Problem is they won't learn not to piss all over the floor when theyre in house. Tried letting them out every hour, all that, but even after 1 hour walk yer bring em in and they go off somewhere and piss on the floor! You can imagine what my job is every morning when I get down stairs...... It's carnage ! Any suggestions? Had em 3 months now.
  14. Hi, I know you can't post abroad so I thought I'd have a go makin my own boxes...... Can't buy em over here.. What's the smallest width you'd go to? I got 1180mm to play with for 4 dogs but I reckon I'm gonna have to stack em as to me that seems far to small? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  15. So sorry to hear this- you must be gutted- good luck with the pups for next year.
  16. Hi, had dog once with similar problem. Skin scrape from vet came back negative- we used tea tree cream and hair grew back in no time. Make sure you get cream not oil as oil's too stingy on raw skin. Good luck.
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