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Posts posted by dansdogs

  1. stan was a big brindle dog, lovely dog in fairness, hes is not still alive, I have some pics of him somewhere but im not putting them up sorry, not my dog, unless someone wants to pay me 1000 pound a pic, I bred bred him with my bitch 2 years ago, :D:D :D

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  2. One dog has only got one ballock and the other has the scar from the op, a farmer up the road saw a dark colour Astra pull up outside the house, by the time he got there in the tractor, one person got back in and they drove off, two young lads early twenty he reckons, it's a small world it will come out in the wash!!!

  3. My mate in north wales has had two black terriers pinched today, one smooth coated one rough both youngsters. They are brothers, One has a skar from his cock to chest from a op two weeks back, please every one spread the word and get these dogs a back, the scum bags need sorting,any info pm me ????


  4. In many parts of the country hunts use drainage rode to bolt foxes, that shows how much pressure a terrier has to give to bolt a fox, don't get me wrong if you have a good bolting terrier, well done hard to come by!! same to be said about a good digging dog in my oppinon even hard to come by, but in all honesty you can NOT compare the both, I know what Type i Choose to feed!! as for fd bring a grass that is complete utter ballox, and someone should only be accused of that if its a cert, I'd put my last pound on fd not being one!!!!! In fairness I've hunted with him personally, iv enjoyd his and his dogs company, the guys a gent!!

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