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Everything posted by 04fox8

  1. 04fox8

    Rip Lou Reed

    I'd be happy to be left with Miley Cyrus!
  2. But you're missing the worst of the storm
  3. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Classic-vintage-air-rifle-pellets-500-IMI-ELEY-WASP-No-2-22-5-6mm-/151147964337?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item23311ee7b1#ht_253wt_1170 What's so special / rare about these? They're even the 'newer' size 5.6mm, not the 'old' 5.5mm £21.30!!!! and 8 Bidders!!! Sure they are a lot less than that from our gun shop.. Time I had an e-bay account set up....
  4. 04fox8

    New Pants Please

    What a f**kin' Idiot!! Gotta be a Yank....
  5. 04fox8


    Interupting flights already! When is it supposed to be past? I want home in the next few days...
  6. Hoping mine doesn't need any more this year now, Last twice it's been more like hoovering the leaves rather than cutting any grass. Tidies it up for about an Hr, then it's covered in f**kin leaves again !
  7. Mugs / Torch / Table (for beside sofa / arm chair) Bench / vice / magazines .....
  8. Will it sort out the 24Hr Format that still says am/pm tho?
  9. Time doesn't change down here (Angola), almost caught out cos' phone changed itself, and my alarm is on the phone! Pure Luck I woke at the 'usual' time, and saw time on the clock, and didn't wait 'till alarm went off.
  10. Does that get them asleep so they don't hear the squibs?
  11. I wouldn't say I tick ALL the boxes, but I'm going to give it my best shot.....That's all I can do. Pedigree - Probabally will go down that route if I'm being honest, But NOT guaranteed yet. Looking like Spring Time now before it happens anyway, theory being it can get a good start off in the summer months...Don't know if it would make too much difference, but at least training wise it should tie-in with being ready for around the following years shooting time.
  12. I know they're not all like that, don't worry But all the Labs I have seen are either like that, or Regimented to death!! I'm up for the challenge of a Springer.
  13. You've never eaten / worked down in Africa...have you?
  14. Have you tried setting up a camera? Find out what time it's visiting, allow a while before hand and set up and wait out for it. Have had success with this aproach in the past. Not saying it will arrive next night at 8:15 because it was there last night, but it will (could) be around the same 'ish' time. Worth a try.
  15. Read a few of your posts / replies (whatever the terminology is) and see 1 of yours is a non pedigree ? I think you said that... I have been kinda torn between getting a dog in need of a home and doing my best with it and give it a chance, or The other way I saw it was, If I'm paying good money for food, should I be putting it into a 'Good' / fancy / pedigree one???? I won't say money isn't a problem, cos, it always is.... but I'm of the mind that it could / would be a 'waste' for me (total novice / Dafty) to go and buy a 'fancy' dog. Cheers
  16. Yup, I've had a few strange ones of those too.
  17. Always liked them. Considered a cocker, but then settled on a springer. Seems to be lots of Labs around us, but they all seem to be either big docile lumps as pets, or very highly trained 'sit and wait' type animals (well in my view) Spaniels just seem to have more 'character'. I suppose it's a bit like why would I have a landy instead of a Hi-Lux....I just like it. Time issue should be sorted out by the time we get a pup. Working on that right now...
  18. Cheers for comments folks, There is actually a spaniel trainer very close to us. I only know the guy to see him passing by, but I know his brother very well. I'll have to try and arrange a visit or 2 if he's willing to give me the time. As for kids thinking I'm a misserable git, Think they already think that. Hoping to make some kind of shooting dog out of it, but not expecting it to be up there in the Formula 1 of Gun dogs. This has been a long drawn / thought out process actually deciding to get one, so I just want to try my best, and any information I can get will only serv
  19. Hello Folks, Right, I am all set up for getting my pup, 1st Dog ever. It's going to be a springer, and hoping to get it to do the basics, and do my best with it. It will stay in a kennel / run, not in the house. I have read a sh*t load on here, books, articles, and watched Hrs worth of the Training DVDs. So, I have a fair/ reasonable idea what I need to try to do, when, and for how long. But, What happens with the dog in between 'Training' sessions? I'll have it with me in my jeep, out and about, doing what I do, but should I also be 'correcting' things constantly as and
  20. Not at all, On the conterary, having been reading back through pages and pages in this section, I thought this was one of the best topics on here. Very good answers from folk that obviously do know what they are on about (to some degree anyway ) Very interesting (For Me at least) to get the 'commentary' / relay of progress in relation to the advice given / received. Out of curiosity, how's it going 1 year on?
  21. 04fox8

    Man Cave.

    Nothing wrong with Radio 4! Radio 4 'till Ken Bruce comes on Radio2, then Radio 4 after Jeremy Vine! Struggle to find anything decent on a Saturday Morning tho...
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