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Everything posted by 04fox8

  1. 04fox8

    Shed Roof

    Aye? That would work? That would prevent the condensation from forming in the 1st place? It's a good wee shed, but I f**ked up with this! My concern was that the water would still form, run down the back and rot away the timber. If you think this is the way to go, I'll be more than happy. I'd seen 'foam' stuff offshore, and in tattie sheds and had wondered about it, but some 'buck shee' (spare / off cuts) of Kingspan will be easier, and probably cheaper. Cheers
  2. 04fox8

    Shed Roof

    Hello Folks, We built a shed a few years ago, but stupidly just fitted the plain profile sheets for a roof, as opposed to the anti-condensation type, Now it rains inside as well!! Instead of ripping it all off and starting again, does anyone know of an easier solution? Is there anything on the market I could spray on the inside to prevent the condensation? It has been suggested I put up polythene sheet / plywood on the underside of the framework, but in my opinion, that's only hiding the problem, and will come back to bite me in the a**e again in another few years, needing new she
  3. 04fox8


    Cheers, I'd be looking at Minimum of x4 cameras, ideally 6. Are these swann ones (which seem reasonably priced) any good, or better to spend a bit more on something a bit fancier? I seen a spiel about remote access from my Blackberry etc, but I can't even get it to play ball with e-mails, let alone having it pan a camera about my yard when I'm in Africa!! Cheers for replies,
  4. Thanks Folks, I'll run those past the missus. I'll have a squint on 'tinternet and have a look at them ma'sell aswell. Cheers.
  5. 04fox8


    Aye, at the time you think, £100 extra, naa If it helps catch the f**kers, Money well spent! There just seems to be so many options out there, and I don't have a clue about what they're on about in all that technical Spec bits. After reading that, I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for that in their Spec bumph.
  6. 04fox8


    Thanks Very Much. Some lights already there, but a few more wouldn't go amiss. Cheers for Info.
  7. 04fox8


    Was about to start a new thread, did a quick search and found this one, so I'll jump into it. Been looking at installing a CCTV set up around our place as the thieving b***ards are getting ever closer. Seen a few Swann set ups in Maplin, and Costco, similar, but different. DVK8-3000, and a DVR??? Means nothing to me I'm afraid. Does anyone know what's different, are they any good, or do you know of any decent alternatives? Cheers,
  8. Think I'd have 1 at home, but won't be back there 'till the end of the month. It has my works Co. Logo on it, but was never used as far as I can remember.....unless my daughters have been at it. If you're still needing one by the end of the month, drop me a message. Think it was page / Day.
  9. Just contemplating our holidays later in the year, and looking for some suggestions where to take our 2 Girls (aged 4 and 6) The youngest one absolutely loved Hilton at Aviemore, (they have a cheap deal whilst kids are under 4 or 5) and the Oldest is adamant she is going on a caravan holiday. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Got to be a place that is tollerant of kids, and has pleanty going on to keep them ammused. Cheers,
  10. Totally agree... and as the post title suggests, pure scaremongering
  11. Here at least they are BIG TIME Catholics (I'm not clued up on any of this religion stuff in any way, but they have a thing about breeding don't they?) Have heard that this causes some issues. At work here (by the main port for all goods coming into the country) we are surrounded by shanty towns, consisting of shacks we wouldn't even consider putting animals in to. BUT, Each one has a satelite dish attached! These peoplke must see what is out there in the big wide world, but are unable to do anything about it. They say that it is still to soon to the last Civil war, and fresh in p
  12. When we have a bit banter with the guys we work with and ask them why they have so many kids, they quite hapily say that it's because they may have a few die! Lots of the guys we are around are making a 'decent' wage for here, but then they go and give it to the church! They may need food and have little or no sanitation in their 'homes', but they 'Need' to get their hands on the latest Samsung this or 'i' that!! We are forever being asked if we can but i-pads / phones / trainers etc. Bales of 'Oxfam' / charity clothes are what we seem to get when we try to source rags locally. We ofte
  13. Yes, Many are starving, and can be seen daily, scavenging through the bins for food, pulling themselves up the road on their bums 'cos they have no legs 'cos of land mines etc. BUT, Why they have to plead to us (UK etc) for £££ is beyond me..... I am here in Luanda, Angola right Now, and the place is stinking with £££££££. It's not our ( UK / europe /USA) fault the country is in such a state. They have Oil / Diamonds / MAGIC climate, beaches etc which could give them a tremendous income from tourism.......but the wealth is not very well distributed, (actually makes you gratefull 'ish' of
  14. Sitting in Hotel Room in Luanda! Everywhere around hotel is closed, and hotel charges $8 / beer, so Jammied Up and sleeping by 9! Been up since 5, Bored to death! Once upon a time, I might have went out around 9, and been getting in for a change of clothes at 5! Old age eh.... All the Best to everyone for 2013.
  15. You could go 1 better and extend it around the whole coast line too............................ Then we could just top it up with water............ aye the south side Obviously!
  16. You could go 1 better and extend it around the whole coast line too............................ Then we could just top it up with water............
  17. Worked Offshore for last 20 odd years, Had a few years in the office, but had NO time with 1st youngster, She was still sleeping when I set out in a morning, and in her bed by the time I got home. Got a 28/28 rotation in Africa 5/6 years ago, and actually got home from 1st trip on her 1st birthday (un announced) and that was good. Now she's at school, and I don't see so much of her when I'm home. Youngest is off to school next year, so neither of them will be here through the day. Skype is good, but sometimes it does make you feel worse, and usually, the nights you do want to see / speak t
  18. Yup, I'd agree with that. Along time ago when we were youngsters, me and my brother caught some young ones alive in the snares (Back when we were told if they were alive we hadn't set them right) We took them home to 'look after' them (we were only 9 and 11ish) Each time, Next Morning, Rigid Rabbit!
  19. http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/3007790 Just saw this.
  20. Bit late then isn't it?
  21. As has been said, ROT is what to look for. Boot floor, Sills, Back Crossmember up behind the fuel tank not easy to see (or fix) this one. Rear seat belt mounts, Rear Arches, Front inner wings, All Body Mounts, Chassis where it 'kicks' up at the back, Chassis again below where your feet would be at the front. Bushes on all suspension points. Good old workhorses if you find a fresh one. Engines bullet proof providing they have been 1/2 looked after. Window switches/ central locking, etc etc as has all been highlighted already. VERY cheap to repair compared to Jap motors. Prices me
  22. Stick with a landy! As said here numerous times, easy to fix, cheap to fix, and with a decent set of tyres, they'll go anywhere! I have an OLD series I use, and used it to push a 90 c/w trailer loaded up with clay traps etc. You can always play about with Diffs etc if you ned the road speed. Points to look for....ROT! Anywhere. 90's still makin good money, just compare how new a Jap vehicle you can get compared to the Landy......says something in itself. You'll still fix and use your landy in 10 years from now. Make sure you buy a DECENT one, not something that's been ta
  23. EXACTLY! I'm not after anything 'special' for Myself, but then again, "why not?" if clowns like those you mention are asking that kind of ££
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