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Everything posted by 04fox8

  1. Too true mate hate that we send all this money when people at home need it.And the goverment aid we send to India and others That, and we trail the f**kers into our country, then give them everything they need there aswell!!
  2. We're not supposed to take photos here (Luanda - Angola) -(wonder why ) But I could show you people raking through the wheelie bins for food outside BMW showroom, where you'll be lucky to buy anything for less than $100k! Charity starts at home, What about giving a % to our own old folks? Not finding Comic Relief so funny now atall!
  3. Working down here in Africa, I'd say 60% wasted then! Clothing parcels etc. - AYE, Right, they get intercepted by the crooked c**ts down here (of which there are MANY, ) and we see them getting sold off in markets and at the road side daily, and the 'rags' we use are 100% new clothes, still whole, in bundles! Another (slightly less politically correct post) I saw an item which wasn't far off the truth ( Reference to Jagerbombs ) This country is stinking with money! It's just f**ked up how the wealth gets distributed! They show you the pictures of all the worst off c*nts, but pan the
  4. 04fox8


    Or his wife is! And, she's the one out on the sauce. You'll have 7 + Her to tend to Tomorrow.
  5. .22-250 from about 30-40 yards. That works. (so I'm told)
  6. I would take all the confiscated drugs that the police get, shove them in a huge shed and put a big sign out side, letting them all come in and use as much as they wanted, providing they did so on the premises. I would also have an undertaker / crematorium business in a lean too out the back. Furnace could be connected to a boiler and used to heat my office. Comic relief to help those f***ers???? Not much fun involved I'm afraid.
  7. Then as far as I'm concerned you should be welcomed with open arms, this is what many people (not suggesting you in this LG) don't get, for me it's nothing to do with race. Look at the Chinese community never heard one person say we should get rid of the Chinese and f*ck them back home to their own country why? It's because the vast majority work very hard and integrate, don't try to change the country they have adopted, even their "China Towns" you see in various cities are welcomed. If somone comes to this country I expect them to contribute, not to try and change the country into the sh
  8. Better to keep your mouth shut and have them think you're an idiot, Than to open it and remove all doubt!
  9. Can't recall exactly how they were fitted, but if you were stuck, a few bits of angle iron with holes for an 'axle' for your wheels would do the trick. You could bolt them to the deck, or weld em. It's a while now since I had mine, memory's not what it was
  10. Yes. You can get them. I did exactly that. If I recall, they are hollow and come in 2 halves...I think. Got them via local garden centre, but sure you'd get them cheaper on e-bay.
  11. Agreed! Smoke will be gone in no time. Glad to hear you got it sorted!
  12. What just incase he was acting in self defence or something like that is it? A 16 year old schoolgirl murdered by a 22 year old man, what other imfomation could you need? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2289518/Christina-Edkins-16-stabbed-death-Birmingham-school-bus-police-arrest-man-22-suspicion-murder.html?ICO=most_read_module
  13. I work in Africa, and they don't come much blacker than here.. Racist:- If we tried a fraction of the stunts they pull on us we'd be unemployed, kicked in, arrested or dead. They are the worst racists I have came across! We poof about too much incase we 'insult' anyone. F**k 'em, regardless of race / colour / or creed. If you're a bad c*nt, you should get what's coming. As for the poor lassy, what a waste, and disaster for her family and friends.
  14. That could depend on a lot of things, How old it is, Is it f**ked, Has it been f**ked with in the past, How hard you drive it Weight you've got in it....the list goes on. You might find one that is 'reputedly' more efficient on the fuel, but then if it breaks down, the bits to repair may be more than those for a slightly thirstier van.
  15. Passes the time for me when I'm away on work. Interesting to see everyones different takes on the same things.. Good bit of crack between some of you. There's even some good (educational) stuff in here in places...........
  16. looking at this I doubt you could read a book,
  17. My mate hadn't been to a dentist for nigh on 20 years, So, not 'registered' or whatever you need to be. He's a big bloke, but his toothache crippled him. So, off he heads into like an NHS 24 Dentist kinda place, £24 later tooth gone! The wife and myself have to pay £13odd / month each, for a check up and polish twice a year!!!
  18. Yup, Game Over, Job Dun!
  19. Agreed. Worth having lying around.
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