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Everything posted by 04fox8

  1. How??? If they were fit to beat up a healthy young man, they dinna need a f**kin disabled space!
  2. At least she only hit a car. What about any poor c**t that could have been walking there. Silly cow, Bet she was f***in about with her phone!
  3. Insignia aftershave, deodourant, talk.........'Yeah it's all over now!'
  4. My wife appeared home the other week with 2 tins of Cremola Foam. It's back on the go!
  5. Well Done! I'd forgotten all about that one. Just Googled it and recognised it when the 1st picture showed up. We watched some p*sh when we were wee!!
  6. Remember most of that stuff - Funny how you forget. Scary thinkin back, just how old we are! Things have came a long way in our short lifetimes eh. Stumbled over an old Top 10 From the 70's the other night on You Tube......that got me on this thing for Hrs chasin after stuff I'd forgotten all about!
  7. If he was human he'd be severely autistic. Weirdest little dog I've ever known in my life And what about the manny ? He's obviously got 'issues' too. How f**ked up would you have to be to say the dog was drivin?
  8. Just a wee bit too far away.
  9. http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/3158769
  10. More so if you're from Down South.
  11. Isn't there something about a side window behind the doors? ie - Mk 3 or 4 escort vans had a small window about 3-4" wide behind the window. I think it's L200 pick ups have a similar small window. I wouldn't take the bobbies word 1st off. They had a stand at the Royal Highland show last year, and a quiz for the kids. As we asked the respective bobbies the quiz questions, They started separate debates with their colleagues for the answers!
  12. How long is that going to delay the process, any word? At least it's nothing serious.
  13. 04fox8

    Royal Mail

    We've had 2 similar in as many years (or it may be slightly longer)! 1 was opening the stuff, the other I believe was just keeping it at home.
  14. It was Morrisons? Not Tescos? Did the boy have crutches?
  15. And you'll get f**ken frozen! Unless he's got that boiler sorted oot!? As said somewhere else, It's Scotland, It's all nice scenery................well, most of it.
  16. Unusual that, Keep us posted on how it goes...Good Luck. Our guy is a topper! Problem is, he's about to retire I believe, and the guy that's been mentioned as his replacement is supposed to be 'not nearly so nice', which would be a shame.
  17. 04fox8


    Turn up the heat on a MIG and you'll weld nearly anything, in any state! Aye, not plastic or wood tho, I mean rusty stuff. They are a bit more sensitive to rust than a stick on 'fussy' jobs, but you wouldn't go far wrong if you got one.
  18. 04fox8


    Yup, Done a fair few Landy chassis jobs myself! The wee one I have has a fine small torch, handy for cars etc when you need to get into tight spaces.
  19. 04fox8


    Not sure about Gasless MIG, But certainly I'd go for a MIG. I use my wee 130 with pure C02 (Pub Gas) with no problems, and a lot cheaper than the small bottles from the shops. Some will argue its use, but I have used it for years, no problems. If you have pleanty cash, or work with exotic materials get a TIG. - Too fancy for me. Like I say, I have a wee 130 Turbo Snap On MIG and it gets some torture. Wire feed roller bracket (small plastic bit) sometimes gives up, but easily replaced. Happily weld tin sheet, or reasonably heavy steel. Cheaper ones are available, but like most th
  20. Somebody...somewhere must have access to a newspaper cutting, or a bit more of the news report..........surely.....if it's true.
  21. Not sure on the Dolly, but could you not rent a transporter locally? Much better / faster / safer? to tow for a distance. Or, are there any motor dealers round your way who may be taking cars the other way, and would be gratefull for a few ££ diesel where they would have been running empty (un loaded)?
  22. Nothing on but p**h anyway, you'll be better off without them!
  23. Looking for some sheets / bits of 2-3" thick 'firm' foam. Needed for lining a crate I am making to hold guns in jeep, to give you an idea what kind of stuff I'm after. Also looking for some sheets of weld mesh, from 1" to 2" mesh. Can handle rust, providing it's not rotten. Cheers F.Y.I I'm beside Aberdeen,
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