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Everything posted by 04fox8

  1. 04fox8

    Bstard Fox.

    Maybe not a bad idea that
  2. 04fox8


    I get f***ed for about a week after any serious drink consumption! Not Good! Can't eat for about 3 days, which only makes things worse!
  3. Lapwing is peeweet. Never heard it being called a teuchit??? Lapwing is peeweet. Never heard it being called a teuchit??? That's cos you're a Fifer! Atleast it makes sense unlike your f*****g chookter talk............. That'll be Teuchter is it? Teuch as in 'Tough'?? Naw chookter as in chookter Chook as in 'chicken'... Touche' !
  4. How rude of them....talking behind your back like that....
  5. Lapwing is peeweet. Never heard it being called a teuchit??? Lapwing is peeweet. Never heard it being called a teuchit??? That's cos you're a Fifer! Atleast it makes sense unlike your f*****g chookter talk............. That'll be Teuchter is it? Teuch as in 'Tough'??
  6. Lapwing is peeweet. Never heard it being called a teuchit??? Lapwing is peeweet. Never heard it being called a teuchit??? That's cos you're a Fifer!
  7. Got a bit of time on my hands again, so thought I'd give you all the translations.
  8. Could be they are sh*tting everywhere, on the kids swings / trampoline / wood pile etc. = Health Risk?
  9. Last few times I've been out with the rifle, I've seen more badgers than rabbits! We very rarely saw 1 untill about 4 or 5 years ago, but they are in abundance now! It's all well and good some people 'liking' their badgers etc, but there are now far too much of them. Maybe our best hope of seeing a reduction is if some disease effects them and spreads perfusely due to their over crouding (like Maxi in rabbits) ?? Not suggesting anything should be introduced like Maxi was tho.
  10. Give it another fortnight or so, and go out with the pellet gun. Or, a few 'heavy' cartridges into the nests now / soon. Hide well, and sit out with the shotgun.
  11. Thanks for contact details, Could have a problem getting there Today........I'm in Africa! I'll give you a shout when I get home tho.
  12. Fair Points. We seem to have wind come from every direction.....always! Sunny Days are less of a common concern! I have no idea about the actual construction of the kennel etc, but I know what I want it to look like and ideally have it built from blocks. Any advice on how it should be / if it should be lined inside would be much appreciated. ie- would a wooden 'box' inside suit, should I line it in timber top to toe, kingspan, or just plaster it??? Cheers folks, Please excuse my ignorance, but I just want to get it right and do it once!
  13. Your Right There Mate . The Prison Over Here Has A No Smoking Policy , The Only 1 In The World Too My Knowledge , Though If Your A Junkie You Get Your "Fix" . . So Whats Legal Outside Is Illegal Inside . . . And Whats Illegal And Can Put You In Jail Is Catered For . . NOW THAT'S FUKCING MADNESS !!! And I Know Lads Are Turning To All Sorts To Beat The Craving So Go To Jail A Non Junkie Come Out A Full Blown Junkie . . . Human Rights Only Seems To Work 1 Way And Its NEVER For Those Who Do Nothing Wrong !! You're right! It's all f**ked up BIG Style!
  14. Very True. I'll take another look at the stockboard stuff when I get myself a spare minute or so too.
  15. I'm planning on asking him too, He's just 200 Yrds down the road. Given workload / Costs etc tho, I think some of the ones seen on-line may be cheaper.
  16. Mine were eating their eggs up untill 2 weeks ago....not a spot of shells left!
  17. Galvanised is cool with me! No more maintenance required. Past experience with powder coated stuff would suggest it would all be lying off within a few years resulting in needing to be painted regularly. I'd rather pay more now, and have less hastle.
  18. Okey Dokey, Cheers for that. Sounds like you have it all sorted! Hope my attempt turns out similar.
  19. Cheers for that. Not too far away from me either. Do you mean the panels were like powder coated?
  20. On the off chance, Would anyone on here have a link, or be able to send me a Disk of Mk4 Ford Mondeo Parts manual / Part Nos? Cheers.
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