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Everything posted by 04fox8

  1. Imagine the work you would have to do on a £3k defender over 5 years. and you would get your money back just the same if you bought an series landcruiser for £3k. Would still rather have a hilux with a good set of muds........
  2. Buy anything other than a landy, and consider your £3 Grand as gone within say 5 years. Put it towards a landy, look after it, and you'll still be rompin about in it in 10 years time. BUT - Be VERY Cautious with what you buy initially! Spray of old oil underneath every year and she'll out last any of the others. Personally, I'd avoid the Discovery. Yes, more comforts etc which the Jap. options offer you, but they are far more prone to rot away from under you, and again, like the Jap stuff, they have too much unnecisary electrical c*ap to f**k up fitted! If you are doing 100'
  3. Had a few nights frost already up with us.
  4. Maybe the sillouette of a tree / moonlit horizon in the background? And / Or end of a gate in the fore ground, off to one side a bit......Maybe not enough leg left there for that tho. Bit of a hedge in the background maybe??
  5. 04fox8


    I bet they are legally not allowed to do so. If that was the case then why don't we do it in most legal cases and save thousands of pounds in the process. I've thought about that question a lot, especially in cases like 9/11 and other such atrocities. I reckon government officials put there foot down and say it "can't be done" for obvious reasons that would backfire on themselves...;-) But I'm not on about the courts and for it to be used in legal matters if I was innocent I would pay for this myself and send the results to every major newspaper. Put up or shut up would be my statement to th
  6. 04fox8


    Could you learn the technique in 6 years?
  7. Like a wall.The whole thing is only 2 or 3 years old. The mouse theory was discussed before, but then, like I say, it can be ok for weeks, that's what throws me. It is ALWAYS worst in a morning, and if we try heating on in an evening, I would say it doesn't stink. Think there may be an evaporation issue, maybe??? Frustrating me now I have all your suggestions, as I'm away at work at the moment, and can't get stuck in to have a look for myself. Thanks for all your theories tho, all very welcome. I could give you a few more to check is there a vent on the 4" pipe outside,
  8. Like a wall. The whole thing is only 2 or 3 years old. The mouse theory was discussed before, but then, like I say, it can be ok for weeks, that's what throws me. It is ALWAYS worst in a morning, and if we try heating on in an evening, I would say it doesn't stink. Think there may be an evaporation issue, maybe??? Frustrating me now I have all your suggestions, as I'm away at work at the moment, and can't get stuck in to have a look for myself. Thanks for all your theories tho, all very welcome.
  9. But why not every day?? Surely if there was a deid moose, it would be stinkin' each morning? Sometimes it can be ok for weeks..
  10. 04fox8


    Whether or not they did have anything to do with it, I'm sure some of the Top Cop's are watching each and every Interview / public appearance and scrutinising every expression / gesture, the works. Can't comment on Portuguese Police, but I've worked with a lot of Potuguese and they come across as a strange bunch.. The details that have been released to the Public, will only be a fraction of what they actually know. Certain we're not getting every fact that's available either. Maybe even a few porkies thrown in in an attempt to get a reaction.
  11. Have thought abot that before, Just never seem to have gotten around to doing it. Well, it was just fire bricks we discussed, and reducing the hole to be honest. I suppose those from old storage heaters might be a better option, they would hold the heat eh.
  12. 04fox8


    Why did they hire Max Clifford then mate? The master of manipulating media images for the rich and famous.. I'm sure they've also threatened to sue a few times when anything that could hint at portraying them in a negative way has been mentioned in the press.. I'm guessing they didn't know max but he was a very powerful man in the media. If you've lost a child and he comes along and says "I'll get this case in every paper, front page...we will find your daughter" you would bite his arm off mate, no??? Max Clifford is the master of keeping things out of the headlines mate, not getting them in
  13. 04fox8


    if he had anything to do with i'm sure he would of been sussed out by now. You would hope so, Be good to see them get her back. Still looks too smug tho.
  14. Good on ya! Lucky he didn't tell you to f##k off with your new rate when he was offering ya regular income for a while. Take their $$, Like I said, good on ya.
  15. 04fox8


    Just saw him on the news there, Don't like the way he comes across, maybe just me, but he looks too 'relaxed' for someone who f##ked up to such an extent. ...allegedly.
  16. 04fox8


    Don't know, but it just all seems too sketchy to me.
  17. It can get cosey... But it's a big-ish room. Stove is about the size of a washing machine.
  18. The smell is truly RANCID, Nothing the extractor should have to cope with.. Just spoken to Mrs me, and she says we've had a new washing machine since the smell started, so doesn't think it should be to blame. She was saying that she seems to think it's only since we had the heating kicking in in a morning. But, as stated at the start, the boiler is only a few years old, and was serviced the other month there. Smell has been coming and going..... Confusing.
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