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matthews 88

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Everything posted by matthews 88

  1. really like the top one aswell smashing pics lad
  2. same as a rat trapped with tin around it.its still confined. rat baiting who gives a shit
  3. it would be prop best to take him with a pack just keep him on a lead so he feels like he is missing out. as someone said u can buy feeder rats in the petstores let us know how u get on anyway. atb
  4. gold is still rising in price alright but slowly a good time to invest would have been bout 10 year ago try other commodities like sugar fo sugar based ethonal fuel and stuff like that
  5. welcome to the site tony. atb
  6. i have heard many of so called dog men on this site saying if the dog dont work its useless.so i wouldnt be to quick to say it was antis prop more like a cruel dog man
  7. welcome to the sitye mate
  8. just stick with the site there ar only a handfull of them you would count them on two hands you will soon get the grip of things. atb
  9. welcome to the site lad. atb
  10. suck the left and rub the right its none of your buisness what i do im hardly bringing back semtex ffs
  11. lakeland pup on donedeal 1000 euro only ont it 3 hours take a look some people are crazy in the head
  12. kawvally did you have a post up before with the same bitch hunting coons lot of pics it was very good
  13. have you ever owned a good english bull they move as well as any staff
  14. someone i know had the ispca out over a dog next door complaining. so he rang child services the next day on your man just to piss him off
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