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Everything posted by DogFox123

  1. Well, I can't speak for all Americans. But for myself, I understand the world we live in and the dynamics of what goes on in it. It's true, I'm not doing anything to be ashamed of and all of my professional activities are already a matter of public record. But the government collecting metadata and all the rest doesn't bother me in the least. If you doubt the reality of 9-11. 343 of my brothers lost their lives that day. Is that real enough for you? Oh I know it happened alright without a doubt, the question is did the government know about it beforehand?
  2. It's not in the best interests of the people that live in the USA. People are being spied on even if they have done nothing wrong. You really think that it's acceptable that your every move is being monitored?? With the capabilities these governments have had for God knows how many years it really does make one question the reality of events such as 9/11.......
  3. or adamu from the Sumerian times, meaning 1st manLen wasnt the summerians the first known civilization, almost 5500 years ago?Just after the creation in the bible around 6000 years ago. Why have the summerians called the first man adamnu, are they lying? Or was adam really the first man? Of course he was, why are there no records predating the summerians or the other early peoples? Cause they were none lol What about Neanderthal and other species related to man?
  4. It's not what they do it's how they go about it. I'd rather our governments just tell us straight that they are involved in the Middle East for profit and political gains, terrorism my arse......
  5. Come on then what secrets shouldn't he had revealed????? The USA certainly won't face the consequences of it's actions so that makes them about equal then.
  6. Bullshit......Definitely a traitor , anybody that that betrayed there country , put there own countrymans life on the line wether you agree with your own countries polices or not puts you in that category..he'll be looking over his shoulder for ever .. You'll find the USA are the real traitors not Snowden. He spoke out for the best interests of his country and it's people.
  7. Just a few of the leaks, I suppose a hunting forum is the least of their worries..... A timeline of Edward Snowden leaks http://uk.businessinsider.com/snowden-leaks-timeline-2016-9
  8. Just watching the movie about the infamous whistle blower Ed Snowden. The yanks, us and likely more are basically watching us all. Does anyone actually believe their stance on their war against terrorism...... I certainly don't!
  9. Dunno about everyone else but I'm celebrating 2 weeks off work, health, family and taking the opportunity to spoil my little girl rotten and keep the magic of Santa clause alive for a couple more years. Not sure what's to laugh about really fella. Christmas has never been about religion for me or my family. It's just an opportunity for annual celebration and good times. But the reason you're having 2 weeks off to do all those things is down to one thing, religion.....Ah well I won't let it eat me up too much. Where's that bottle of Jim Beam gone. It's in the kitchen next to my bible ? I
  10. Dunno about everyone else but I'm celebrating 2 weeks off work, health, family and taking the opportunity to spoil my little girl rotten and keep the magic of Santa clause alive for a couple more years. Not sure what's to laugh about really fella. Christmas has never been about religion for me or my family. It's just an opportunity for annual celebration and good times. But the reason you're having 2 weeks off to do all those things is down to one thing, religion.....Ah well I won't let it eat me up too much. Where's that bottle of Jim Beam gone. It's in the kitchen next to my bible ? I
  11. Dunno about everyone else but I'm celebrating 2 weeks off work, health, family and taking the opportunity to spoil my little girl rotten and keep the magic of Santa clause alive for a couple more years. Not sure what's to laugh about really fella. Christmas has never been about religion for me or my family. It's just an opportunity for annual celebration and good times. But the reason you're having 2 weeks off to do all those things is down to one thing, religion.....Ah well I won't let it eat me up too much. Where's that bottle of Jim Beam gone. It's in the kitchen next to my bible ? I
  12. Dunno about everyone else but I'm celebrating 2 weeks off work, health, family and taking the opportunity to spoil my little girl rotten and keep the magic of Santa clause alive for a couple more years. Not sure what's to laugh about really fella. Christmas has never been about religion for me or my family. It's just an opportunity for annual celebration and good times. But the reason you're having 2 weeks off to do all those things is down to one thing, religion.....
  13. Makes me laugh all the folk taking the piss out of the Bible and religion. Remind me again what you're all celebrating today.....
  14. Beastiality is not accepted over here I'm afraid.....
  15. Stick the Fire TV Guru wizard on it. You get all add-on's like Exodus, Spector, etc.....
  16. Yep and Carrie Fisher is on the brink of death after suffering a massive heart attack.
  17. yer hammering them rightly trunk, are yas getting many out doing the cover? av been out once mate all on the lamp 6 this week not bad for this time of year toying with putting a vid up showing killing a fox on youtube but on the fenceget it done... Legal in your country.One lad over your way posted a cracking collie grey wheaton grey up before. And about a week later I saw exact same x killing over here, very quick death. Lol Stupid idea. It was once legal other here but that soon changed. Why give the authorities more ammunition to eventually get a ban? Some people can't hold their wa
  18. I care, if they ain't got the right person whoever did it will be out there planning the next attack.. The man had likely been planning some sort of attack beforehand and the authorities knew about it, you think they care.....
  19. They either want to be known or the CIA are doing a piss-poor job at making it all believable......
  20. It's as though they want these attacks to be carried out......
  21. https://youtu.be/4puLybRGSAw The originals are always the best.....
  22. David Haye won't do jack shit, he talks a good game that man that's all. He's been dodging fights now for over 5 year......
  23. I hope to God it's her beheading next if other terrorist acts take place.....
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