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Everything posted by DogFox123

  1. It's a stupid question, obviously a place that's hunted more will have rabbits that are wiser and sharper, thus harder to catch, nothing to do with speed!
  2. I've heard wabbits are the fastest, my old friend Elmer Fudd agrees with me!
  3. i agree wit that if ur dog is not shaking him hard enough a cat can do twice the damage a fox could Not true, foxes can and do eat cats
  4. I'm not being funny I've seen him box on tape and id beat him easily!
  5. DogFox123


    Can anybody give me a step by step guide to putting pics on here? I've got the photo bucket app
  6. DogFox123


    I don't understand mate ha
  7. DogFox123


    I've registered and uploaded a pic, now how do you put it on here?
  8. DogFox123


    Can you do it through iPhone?
  9. No chance the only other animal that can accelerate faster than the greyhound is a Cheetah. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greyhound I'm sure the Guinness book of records stated that the saluki reached the highest top speed, I can't believe but if they said so...
  10. Pace in my eyes is flat out top end speed, whippets supposedly are the 2nd fastest breed though this is disputed as I've also heard the saluki is faster than a greyhound
  11. i dont think you could class track dogs with actual working dogs, i could be wrong but i think the track dogs are trained on sprints rather than the distance a dog would/could run on a hare sometimes... That's what I meant, do the whippets ever run the distances greyhounds do at tracks
  12. Do whippets ever run the same distance as greyhounds? If so are there times similar?
  13. I don't know where you think whippets haven't got the pace? They are supposed to be the 2nd fastest dog breed
  14. They are known as the second fastest breed in the world the Whippet Coursing Club must have been wasting their time for 5 decades, should of asked you before they formed The answer is yes they can and yes they do have enough stamina and no they dont catch as many as other sighthounds try watching this to see a whippets stamina I said they dont have stamina for big winter hare's , and i stand by my word's take a whippet to the fens and put it behind a big winter hare and see what happens whippets have fantastic stamina and recovery time, but not the pace of other hounds
  15. Exactly! There's one thing that there good at and it sure ain't telling the truth
  16. I honestly believe the programme is set up, I think those boys would struggle to catch a cold
  17. The programme is the biggest pile of shite I've seen in a long time. Wouldn't mind going doggin with the ladies though
  18. Dog fighting was taking place whilst bull baiting was stll going
  19. Are you for real?? Dog fighting is what brought us the APBT! Without it the breed would have been just another useless showdog. I believe the sport shouldn't have been outlawed. if it was ran like the Japanese do it, with proper medical care and professional run clubs I can't see a problem. IMO it is no more cruel than any other hunting, at least with the dogs you have two willing combatants, the same cant be said for the likes of fox hunting! Dog fighting ain't hunting. It may have brought us paragons of game dogs that the APBT is, but I for one would never want hunting to be confused
  20. Are you for real?? Dog fighting is what brought us the APBT! Without it the breed would have been just another useless showdog. I believe the sport shouldn't have been outlawed. if it was ran like the Japanese do it, with proper medical care and professional run clubs I can't see a problem. IMO it is no more cruel than any other hunting, at least with the dogs you have two willing combatants, the same cant be said for the likes of fox hunting! Dog fighting ain't hunting. It may have brought us paragons of game dogs that the APBT is, but I for one would never want hunting to be confused
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