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Everything posted by DogFox123

  1. Thing is 40% of the Muslims over here want Sharia Law in force, like I've said before it's time we heard more outcry over these events by the law abiding peaceful Muslims.
  2. There's a conspiracy theorist on Facebook, an idiot called Jason Nota who claims these recent events in Paris are all fake. I suppose the 7/7 bombings and the brutal murder of Lee Rigby were all staged too you f***ing moronic imbecile!!
  3. cept there were no lives lost in june 96..involving M/c bombs. Which was down to sheer luck... I thought they called it an hrs grace Well seeing as though over a hundred were actually injured I'd call it luck that nobody was killed.
  4. cept there were no lives lost in june 96..involving M/c bombs. Which was down to sheer luck...
  5. Well let's hope if any fuckers get it over here it's a politician live on air and not some member or members of public!!
  6. It is when the other option is a slightly better trophy and a lesser achievement.
  7. We haven't even landed on the moon yet..... ;-)Not another conspiracy theorist Not at all especially not concerning that matter.
  8. We haven't even landed on the moon yet..... ;-)
  9. I think we will wipe ourselves out one way or another, James Cameron's Terminator movies don't appear far fetched at all.
  10. Go on I've got it now, I'll let you off.
  11. I'm guessing by Turkish Muslims? Delightful Sorry, I'll get me coat. It sure ain't by German Christians that's for sure....
  12. DogFox123


    It's that mind bending nobody can comprehend, still it's something that fascinates me.
  13. Farage is spot on, multiculturalism doesn't work when the immigrants don't respect the laws of OUR land!! Take at look this idiot Snow!!
  14. DogFox123


    I do believe we have a creator, maybe aliens brought life to earth. It's something we will probably never find out.
  15. DogFox123


    They certainly weren't as clever as us though, they were on earth longer than us Homo Sapiens have been and didn't build no space ships hahaha, but could they have given the right climate??? Lol.
  16. DogFox123


    Did you know that supposedly 2.5% of the European genome is made up of Neanderthal DNA???
  17. That's about as likely as Elvis coming back on tour for 2016...
  18. "If I've only got one lung that's the first I've heard of it, but if I have only got one lung you've got the advantage!" ??
  19. Sadly our local boy Brain "Doggy" Dawson got put to sleep today.... Not a bad championship at all though for a first timer.
  20. What's your thoughts on this eccentric fellow, he makes some interesting points but then goes way off tangent. Legitimate man or a dangerous quack? Are we to believe that all medical practitioners are all frauds ruled by the government and are instructed to keep the population in check?? Hmmm....
  21. There's about as much chance as Elvis coming back on tour in 2016 than all that you just wrote, keep it real.
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