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Everything posted by ROB ROY

  1. same as all the above but also if you can get your dog to go into water swimming works almost all muscles in a dog.
  2. Yes and if we all stuck to that we would get permission so much easier!!!!!!!
  3. Oh put your dummy back in . Im affraid we all look dodgy if we got a lurcher and makes us look even worse if we have terriers too.
  4. All farmers and land owners like to think they are getting something for nothing, so to start with give a little and in time you will get alot. Put it this way if a dodgy looking bloke was roaming about your ground you would be the first to feck him.
  5. Oh very much so but the best thing about her is she has a brain cell or two. She has proven herself time and time again I dont have space in the kennel for pot lickers.
  6. Liverpool is almost another planet away but if i cant find the right dog up here then im happy to travel. Cheers
  7. Hi, i'm wondering if anyone knows of someone with a proven small border dog for my bitch in Scotland?
  8. Do you still have the dog? Also what area you in?
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