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Everything posted by *The*Field*Marshall*

  1. I get those who say "we could do with some of his antics to sort some of our unwanted out"! . . That said, remember he would've certainly taken things far further than the most extreme of us would like. . I mean you wouldn't of wanted blue eyes and blonde hair for a start with his 'aryan' race ideas . . Although, contact lenses and bleach might've been tried!
  2. And apparently you'll not want to read Cushty's posts ha ha
  3. My current Saluki x, he'll be on the for sale section soon! Don't cross reference me though, because I'll want £500 for him ha ha
  4. Tyson doesn't look too impressed initially! he's a braver man than me!!
  5. Gotta share this, forwarded to me earlier - this is the man I made reference to alongside my brother (dressing drag) . . When in Vegas he spots Tyson near by, apparently performed some acrobatics in getting past his minders to practically land on top of Iron Mike - his daughter said she thought Tyson was going to whack him when Nige said "do you remember me , I was at your fight with Spinks!" She said after Tyson looked him over, recognised him as 'one of his kind' he was then happy to have his photo taken with him . . A former pro himself, as hard as nails - take 1 to land 1 kind of figh
  6. I've seen the dogs this man breeds, fine animals - bred for purpose.
  7. A storm a take it ? I might order a new bulb too to be safe
  8. must be nothing more embarrassing as getting yer balls knocked in by a ball root I would have agreed until I heard Gareth Thomas came out! ha ha
  9. Ha ha it must it has surely got back to old Ronnie, I wonder if he feels like a right plonker! Ha ha. . When I think about the "do you know who I am?" kind of person, it reminds me of something my old man use to say "There's always someone around the corner boy" And how true I have seen that to be. . I am 1 of my fathers 5 sons, the old man was of a pugilistic persuasion himself and as a result 3 of us have got as far as the pro ranks ourselves, one older and one younger than myself are both 'punchers' knockout merchants with a love for the 'bright lights' I remember a stor
  10. Ha ha walshie sir, if I lived a thousand times I think I can honestly say I would never be that 'pretentiously grandiose' or plainly put 'a prat' ! Peter, he didn't before but he did after ha ha. . it ended peacefully
  11. Ha ha this is embarrassing to admit, but I inadvertently used the "do you know I am" statement a couple of months back! :-/ It was in a supermarket carpark, I parked my Passat (a fairly big car) alongside a BMW who's owner had just left along with his dolly bird, he starts throwing insults "pr*ck, d*ckhead etc" . . So I'm left a little confused, I say "what are you going on about man"? He replied "You parked your shitty car too close to mine, pr*ck" as he walked on . . I perceived him to be a bully and I really don't like bullies, so I quickly caught up with him, patted him on the sho
  12. I've seen cages like that in Tunisia, Libya too. . Don't know what the birds were, finch size. Nice feature, wouldn't like to think of them in there for too long though. . I trapped a Siskin once, nice looking birds, I was 10 maybe. . Thought I would impress my old man - he got back and said "how would you like to be trapped in a cage boy" he was glad to get away!
  13. I currently own a Passat B6, was thinking of upgrading the Amarok - I wonder if I'll get me a discount In all honesty, I haven't got a clue what this will entail for the company - although no one could convince me that they are the only ones up to this! I mean aren't BMW and Audi practically built in the same factory?? Quite a suprise though.
  14. Ha ha how embarrassing! Half reminded me of a time when out with our old man on one of his country 'walks', well, marches! Me and my brother had to run intermittently to keep up with him! So on this particular 'march', Pembrokeshire it was, early summer, 94 maybe, mid trot, miles passed he slows to a stop - me and my brother inclining our ears to anticipate either of the following statements "look boys!" Usually something of interest, hare, fox maybe. Or "keep an eye out boys" which meant he was going to tend to a call of nature. . So it's the latter of the two on this occasion and n
  15. Oh to think of the celebration if he does win ? Not for one minute do I think he will !
  16. Cheers jiggy, that could explain a lot. Yes, please elaborate Mr Darcy
  17. Now, I am currently planning on upgrading from the standard 170 to the variable equivalent, however there one thing niggling me. Sounds a bit daft a realize, but does the variable ramp up to the same out put as the standard?? In theory it should of course. However last season when out lamping, his variable is on alongside my standard, is yours on full whack I ask "yes, yours is brighter!" Responds my lamping partner. Hmmm first question, "what bulb" I ask. We were both using the standard 100w. The standard was considerably stronger. Both were running off Lithiums too. Has he got his wires cros
  18. 500 racklies, dordie. . You wouldn't wanna drink from the same cup as the man, I mean he must be a walking STI !
  19. I kicked up something up here didn't I ! I must retract a bit. First things first, having just watched the collapse of the towers for first time in years, I can't comprehend the fear those people endured and lives lost. It's nothing short of horrific. Thanks Seeker I must admit it was daft to propagate speculation on such a topic, it almost makes light of what actually happened to those poor people. Ones things for sure, what happened, happened, regardless of who or what caused it. I can't say with any amount of certainty I know who was responsible, but someone does or did and I don't hav
  20. Am I the only one who feels it could've been an inside job?? I knew a man who was what I would call 'a conspiracist' he was always coming out with "it's a conspiracy" and whilst I am sure there is something's in some claims, my natural disposition is not to accept anything I cannot see clearly for myself. So one day a few years ago in work 9/11 comes up. . And up jumps the conspiracist with "the Americans did it" I was instantly dismissive, and maybe was a bit sarcastic with my response. The next day he adamantly offers me a dvd on 9/11 "watch it." That's all he said. I did watch it,
  21. Walshie, I fancy you are a man of significance far beyond the realm of the hunting life! You have to have something to offer to be invited in!! I've got associates in there, they deny the stigma attached to the lodge. You hear some stuff, but only those at the top will know the truth of the organization. . A bit like JW I was interrogating one day, when questioning of his own faith I asked him "who is the current president of your organization? He said "we don't have one"! Oh yes you do friend, as I gave his name.
  22. I use to think he was just a lazy b*stard who liked his pies! But all things considered I think he's just unlucky with his genetics maybe? I mean the boy has and is doing well, but here domestically - in with the worlds best middles, big trouble I think. All the above said, wasn't Lee only making light middle a little way back?!? ?
  23. Two travelers at it would drum up a bit of interest in the ring, but not half as much as it would do on the cobbles - anyone remember Rooney v Mcginley? I was a kid at the time. Anyways, I think Lee is a class above Saunders and will do a job on him. I've been in close proximity to both, Billy looks like he could trim down to light middle and Lee is 6"2 I think
  24. If it makes anyone feel better that we are "mentally not there" then good for you. But remember our views differ little from intellectuals, scientists and academics who have changed (for the better) how human beings live - it's not matter of intelligence, it's all to do with the heart and humility of man. We have seen lives changed by the gospel and we cannot deny it's power.
  25. "No, not quite truther. I can follow your logic, but only so far. You're missing the vital component - The Holy Spirit - If the Holy Spirit's divine guidance was there during writing, you can be sure He was there during the compilation!" If there's no "god" how can there be "the holy spirit" ? again its just your opinion, it means absolutely nothing, all you can do is offer an "opinion" however its dressed up to look like facts. You can't see the "agenda of men" in the bible..........you got it bad don't you FM? "Of course we believe it's fact, the assurance you receive at the
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