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Everything posted by *The*Field*Marshall*

  1. Listen John Wayne, if you're gonna stick a title up called The God Delusion what would you expect from people who disagree? It's an open forum, you started the thread, you don't own it. . Let me explain the book your reading, it's by an author called Richard Dawkins, he's a hardened, aggressive, evangelical atheist and evolutionist. . His book the God Delussion is all about trying to disprove the notion that God exists. This thread is about the book and you say it's not about whether God exists or not. . OK. I don't know what browbeat means, but I'm merely replying to posts aimed at me, w
  2. But I will say this for myself. . To rule out God because you've had a bad experience with people who claim to believe in Him is an awful reason to abandon the notion that He may exist. . It amazes me that people are put off Christ by "so called" Christians and what they have done. . Do you think a perverted priest is representing the Christiian faith when he molesters a child? Would Jesus have condoned that? NEVER. . Quite the contrary, here's what He said about children. "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in m
  3. Born Hunter, the difference in macro and micro evolution the difference between Fact and Fiction. Again I've not the time explain personally, but have a look at this quote, it should be sufficient. "Evolutionists blur the important distinction between micro and macroevolution. They work hard to make it seem like the two types of evolution are a continuous process, when really they are not. It is important for creationists to clearly understand and communicate this distinction. The key lies in understanding these processes at the molecular genetic (genotypic) level, as well as at the hi
  4. Baw, no offence sir, but I'd presume you don't know a much a cells? Have a look at this video, I've not the time to explain. .
  5. I appreciate the thought. . However, perhaps if there was a Transcendent Being, we would evidently be the most prominent creature of his creation, what we have done as a race demonstrates that. . And if we were made with the ability to comprehend the past, present and future as only man can, would this Transcentant being have left us here with no clue whatsoever as to what in the world we are doing here on planet earth, where we came from and what we are headed for. . Or could He have picked an assortment of high and humble men to document a plan, purpose and revelation for us to comprehend ha
  6. Okay folks. I'm looking to contact a man who bred my dog Oscar (Deerhound/Greyhound x Whippet/Greyhound) back in 2010. He kept a pup back and named it Badger. His name was Mick or Micheal, I wanna say Brown, but I'm not sure. . If there's anyone on here from or around the area who might know the man, drop me a pm and I'll give you my number to pass on to him, lost all his contact information when I last moved. . Thanks in advance for any help.
  7. I know you have written me off since I assumed wars were involved in the millions of deaths supposedly caused due to a belief in evolution. However could you answer a few questions as I am genuinely interested in how you rationalise it. Although I admit that I have debated with dozens of creationists and they will never, ever change their minds about anything so I am not looking to preach to you. Firstly, if you do believe in evolution what is your interpretation of this photo, showing the stages of human evolution: If you follow the bible as true, do you believe the Earth is less
  8. Sorry Walshie, didn't mean to hijack your thread. . And no offence or disrespect meant to any other. I believe I presented facts, facts that hard to accept, but never the less, the story of Oto Benga is true and more people have been killed in the name of this theory than of the whole of religion put together, it's not liked, but it's true. But regardless of the above, I don't believe in the theory of evolution because I believe it unscientific and an assault on common sense, how anyone could believe believe that all that we see and are came from a Big Bang, a random accident billion
  9. Would think Saluki x Whippet for hares and Whippet x Greyhound for rabbits ?
  10. Ironically, that's how the church is towards non-believers. However, unlike the Church, he can offer explanations of why he believes he is right ! All they have is 'because the Bible says so'. And let's be honest, most religious types these days are dangerous idiots ! Blackbriar, who or what are you referring to as "the church" you are not all that specific. . and let me tell you, if you believe in the theory of evolution your just as religious as the chapel folk. . You have faith in that which have not seen and you live your life according (by and large) to what you believe. . Be under
  11. Ah? Your asking for views on the book! I've read it and in my opinion it's nothing more than empty jargon. At what point does he present "hard facts" ? What hard facts are you talking about? Don't take offence, but you don't appear to be all that clued up on the matter, Dawkins is a self confessed evangelical atheist! He travels the world ridiculing creationists and avoids those who can answer back, he made a mistake debating Lennox, I think him and his theory was exposed there! . . I've given you hard facts, from secular sources, which you'll choose to ignore. . The theory promotes racis
  12. There you are stig, your representing a great many people there "listening to a comedian" on matters of importance. You wouldn't Paid, it goes against years of your belief in something that you have not tested. . Look for yourself, you'll see. Write me off ? Haha, on what basis? Never mind. . And that's my point buttercup, don't discount something just because a few crackpots have done it a mis justice. . I discount evolution on scientific level (my perception of it) Rat, I can't get past your second paragraph mate, I said "more people have been killed in the name of evolution t
  13. And it's a well researched one. . Do your home work, perhaps you'll be enlightened to the fact that media and popular opinion has led you down the garden path. . .
  14. Ironically, that's how the church is towards non-believers. However, unlike the Church, he can offer explanations of why he believes he is right ! All they have is 'because the Bible says so'. And let's be honest, most religious types these days are dangerous idiots ! Blackbriar, who or what are you referring to as "the church" you are not all that specific. . and let me tell you, if you believe in the theory of evolution your just as religious as the chapel folk. . You have faith in that which have not seen and you live your life according (by and large) to what you believe. . Be under
  15. Ironically, that's how the church is towards non-believers. However, unlike the Church, he can offer explanations of why he believes he is right ! All they have is 'because the Bible says so'. And let's be honest, most religious types these days are dangerous idiots ! Blackbriar, who or what are you referring to as "the church" you are not all that specific. . and let me tell you, if you believe in the theory of evolution your just as religious as the chapel folk. . You have faith in that which have not seen and you live your life according (by and large) to what you believe. . Be und
  16. Didnt i tell you we are 50% banana even though he says were not its ok to be 95% ape but not 50% banana :laugh: ive watched prometheus That bloke doesn`t like the idea of being simular to either apes or banana`s the 2% difference = 26 million different DNA strands well wake up and smell the coffee bucko that also means 1,274,000,000 strands are the same lies, dam lies and statistics I thought you might appreciate a little bit. . That's Jonathan Sarfati, PhD in chemistry and a very, very clever guy. To any who are genuinely interested in the Origin of Life question, I'd recommend you read
  17. He doesn't look so smart here. . Willing to accept that "aliens" may have created the earth, but not God. . Okay.
  18. Come on, the guy is a biologist, not a theologian. . He's a smart guy with an incredible vocabulary and a great comprehension of the English language. . That's about it. I've read the book, his central argument is the old school boy question "where did God come from?" Asked in a more eloquent style of course. . Pretty simple, God didn't come from anywhere, he's not subject to time, he created time. . Actually that book is old news now, the greatest show on earth is his latest on the subject.
  19. What more could you want for nothing. Nice looking pups. I'm sure they'll go to good homes. ATB
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