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Everything posted by *The*Field*Marshall*

  1. Waiting on insurance?!? At least they've got fecking insurance! Most poor feckers out there are insured for nothing! Instead 'assured' for a hard time! Generally, folks from this country don't know what tough times is about, if they think they do - they no little about the big wide world out there!! And let's remember, not all those folk out there are IS scum, some are genuinely porverty stricken folk who have endured a whole heap of hellish sh*t they didn't play any part in.
  2. I always said the same, but my sister and her boyfriends talked us into it. It was worth it for the laugh and such, food is worth it alone haha. As nice has it was, once bitten twice shy, I wouldn't go again.
  3. I took one of my sons shooting last week,the range we went to a brit guy in his 30's couple of years ago rented a pistol and got a box of rounds,loaded up and before anyone could stop him shot himself in the head,the CCTV footage was on youtube,might still be there,his thai girlfriend had dumped him,lots of suicides here,quite a few homeless western guys,they spend all their cash and just don't want to go home so live on the beach,crazy place,just been a manhunt for some australian bikers,they killed some guy and buried him in scrub outside town,one of them has just been caught in cambodia,the
  4. Pataya, a place where paradise can quickly turn to hell. I watched a documentary once, rich blokes from all over, divorced or just sold up etc, they get there and after initially having the time of thier lives, things quickly turn bad, then worse. Bribery, robbery, trouble with prostitution and authorities. High suicide rate in that part. Sad
  5. Some decent bouts on, but no PPV for me . . Not impressed with sky and silver spoon Eddy making this a box office show, especially after the Fury/Klitchko show a couple of weeks ago . . I'm not paying for it, but if there's a link about, let us know. Thanks
  6. I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail ..

    1. *The*Field*Marshall*
    2. walshie
    3. *The*Field*Marshall*


      Haha me sir? Although I did light a jostick just for the smell of it back along ..


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  7. If you mean big in status, I couldn't disagree more unfortunately Francie mate, I'll grant you that the "establishment" is not over enamored with outspoken Christians, but let's not pretend Tyson Fury is a good example of a Christian, he simply isn't. I listened to a radio interview of him with Jeremy Vine, it was embarrassing. He was saying the bible says this and that when it doesn't . . Talking impure . . Other folk on the phone had a job to get a word in edge ways! It reminding me of the following verses: Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak,
  8. Haha could be even worse though, a couple of year back "crimbo" was popular . . Crimbo!?!
  9. We've always had a tree walshie sir, £35 for a 7tf this year, a had to trim it a bit! A fake one just doesn't feel the same, nice smell of pine too. I've noticed a lot of people saying "festive tree" this year, sad to see in my view.
  10. Gents remember, Always judge acclaimed credentials according to the relevant criteria. If an individual or group claim to be performing Christian duties in line with scripture, which some cult figures do, including rape, murder and paedophilia. It wouldn't take too long of searching through the bible to find that it condemns, not condones the claims of that individual or group. If a university lecturer was teaching biology as he seen it and not what his textbook reads, that lecturer would thrown out after not very long. One could go on and on with such examples. If the bible was slandered
  11. Not a day under 12 months for me . . There's no risk to starting a dog late, the same cannot be said of too soon! The risk I think is either 'opening up' or tendon strain (or other injury) The former of the two can certainly be triggered by watching another dog run. I've seen the detrimental effect of entering too young, I was given a dog when I was 15, told it was 13 months. I started him on bunnies, he opened up and did until his 9th year! It was bearable, other than that he was some dog . . The man's wife later gave my mother the date of birth for the pup, turns of out he was closer t
  12. I believe in a bygone time this country was indeed Christian . . Our jurisdiction was founded on the bible after all . . But given that a Christian is someone who believes in the fundamental teachings of Jesus Christ, namely the purpose in his life, death and resurrection I am most certain that we are no longer a Christian country, simply because folks who believe those teachings are now, sadly, in the minority.
  13. Well, you can see the appeal! Incidents like that in Paris is always going to pursued some to go the the extreme, or so called.
  14. Handbag lurchers or handbag ground?? Nice stamp of dogs regardless
  15. We talk about Tysons mental fragility, but just because it was evident later in his career doesn't mean it was always there . . Look at him around the time Berbick and Spinks, he was fecking fierce not fragile! I think he would have intimidated a silverback gorilla! If you're going to scrutinise Tysons opponents, well do the same with Ali, who earned his greatness from beating the likes of Frazier, Norton, but they were only great because of their wins over Ali! Does anyone think a prime Tyson wouldn't have beat the likes of Joe Frazier and Ken Norton, surely not. Ali's greatest triumph
  16. Freedom of speech has to have boundaries and if indeed it does have boundaries, then there isn't really 'freedom' of speech
  17. Anyway, what happened to freedom of speech??
  18. Having boxed amateur and pro, I am well accustomed as to what to do when "break" is called . . Ha, I white collar or unlicensed just a few ago, taking on some former kick boxing world champ . . He was fit and strong, but lacked the skill to actually land a glove on me . . Well, except for when the ref shouted break! I stepped back and he clocked me! I looked at the ref and he shrugged his shoulders! I wasn't best impressed!!
  19. It's one thing having your own views on these issues, it's another to air them publicly . . There's nothing really to gain from it, other than a controversial reputation. Sports 'personality' of the year? He probably deserves it! Name another sportsman with a personality that's bigger than his! Maybe the need to change the title haha
  20. Ay, remember Big Frank was over 16 stone of solid muscle that night and a good hit from him would have rocked any heavyweight! Besides, Tyson was already on the slide . . I think it was only two fights after he was beaten by Douglas. I agree, I think a mentally jaded Tyson would have got knocked flat by Foreman, beaten by Ali and a host of other heavyweights . . But a prime Tyson at 20 years of age, I don't see heavyweight beating him. I think both fights with Liston were rigged, the first fight Sonny was obviously pulling his punches for me and the 2nd, well that was a farce. Clay w
  21. No, all things taken into consideration DogFox . . If you pitted a 22 year old Clay, at his nimble float like a butterfly and sting like a bee best, lets say against Liston, Clay weighed around 15 stone . . Tyson from 20 years old was regularly over 15 and half stone come fight night. Look at the video I posted through minutes 6-7 .. frightening! Clay before his prison terms fought slow, pedestrian like heavyweights (compared to him) Tyson with that speed, strength, punch power, movement and angles . . I'm with nans pat "a young mike tyson would have sparked him" . . If Cooper who was bel
  22. Take note of Tyson in the early years and up until his win over Berbick, he went downhill after that . . Like rocket firework, such an explosion . . But didn't last long . . You define the greatest fighter via a couple of different ways, usually legacy . . But for me I think one man at his best against another at his best. . Of course, we can't say for sure . . But I know who my money would have been on! Iron Mike Tyson
  23. A prime Mike Tyson is the top of the heavyweight tree for me . . Dare I say it!?! Yes . . I believe Cassius Clay/Muhammed Ali was over rated . . Yes, he was probably the fastest and one of the most stylish of the heavyweights in history, but let's be honest, if he struggled with a Frazier and Norton . . Think of a prime Tyson! Curtains for me . . Did he get a legitimate win over Liston? Foreman beat himself that night. To answer the initial question, yes I think he would have been far too mobile for any of today's heavyweights . . Ali will be known as 'the greatest' for as much of his act
  24. Got some roe liver coming my way, the mrs has been given iron supplements so I figure some liver will do her good. Best way to cook it folks??
  25. Joshua or fury Britain at the top of heavyweight boxing isn't a bad thing I suppose Absolutely. I think Fury will face Wladimir again next and so I'd like to see Joshua take Wilders WBC belt.
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