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ferreting king

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Everything posted by ferreting king

  1. its got the legs and feet of queen anne legged russell
  2. found this pic and he looks like he will make a little cracker
  3. nowt else to do on a day off lol dogs are cleaned brushed fed and walked so hello google
  4. cracking bitch that lolapat do you no if its kc or not
  5. would love a nice beddy but wouldnt pay the price, people are asking 400+ for a pup
  6. hi lads ive got pics but not the type you can post on an open forum, she has been weighed today and she is 26lb but as stated just out of a season, she is also the short stocky type
  7. he said earlier he gives 4 eggs and milk and then goes out for up to 2 hours, wtf u going to get within 2 hours of leaving and returning home
  8. if you only go out for up to 2 hours you must catch alot
  9. my local used to give them away but now there is a demand for them there 50p each and there only lambs heart
  10. ive got a 4 year old bitch here, has been ferreting since 6 months pinning them in nets etc and started her on reds at a year ols as an end of dig dog and she has excelled at it, she is as game as they come and is only 16 inch tts and 21 lb fit, she has just had a season and is due in again in 6 months so im wondering weather on not to have 1 litter from her, only problem is what to put to her, i would like something that would throw smaller slightly lighter pups, to hopefully have a nice earth dog, any sugguestions
  11. i no its hard to pick at birth but only do the one that stands out to you ie size or colour and just do that one and if anyone says out say you bought it in
  12. atleast your getting out and doing your share mate
  13. To get a head start couldnt wait 9 weeks to be honest
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