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Everything posted by tillearthdouspart

  1. What a f*****g tool maybe now the neutral s know how f****d up these anti freaks are. My other half does now thank God. There all for respecting animal they should respect them when dead to not freeze the thing like a sausage.
  2. She sounds like a joy to have dug with. Sorry for you're loss I'm sure she ll bring back plenty a good memories on your future digs.
  3. A good kick up the hole and leave your boot there until he knows whos boss .
  4. Nice pup picture of health atb with him.
  5. He sure does sound like a rat, One good deed deserve's another .
  6. Lads when a club starts up how does the average joe like myself no bout this. Terriermen who dont have such good contacts dont go to the shows and so on??? Cause the more members the better I no its abit away from this stage at the moment.
  7. Stop End, your post was going OK untill you made references of having oral sex with a calf. Is this the sort of posts made by someone who's trying to do something about saving an entire sport and way of life in a country? I don't think so. If you can't even write a serious post on a serious subject how do you think people will take you serious? I dont think he ment actual oral sex, Suckling calf is another way of rearing calf without the mother. And as for taking the guy seriously its no harm to have a personality a good sence of humor. We as digging men/women should have that and s
  8. NO its not vital, I wouldnt let a young terrier in with another dog to so call train him/her.
  9. Only going on what ive heard which is nothing , Shite to put it mildly. Sorry if ive come across rude just never heard anything worth talking bout the breed
  10. Sorry to hear that hope comes round for you, chin up
  11. Would join a terrier club in a sec only thing is I have never heard a one were I live. Hope something happens in time ? Only thing I would have a little issue with is can all guys be trusted, can ya trust guys you dont no , would their be a snake sliding about tipping thieves off I would be suspicous after getting my own dogs stolen. But can see the advantages of a terrier club, it will give us a voice. .
  12. Each to their own dont be worried bout what people think go for nuttall if its your preferred line. I dont hold any in my yard but have seen some good ones lots of people winge bout their size but since the badger game has stopped im not surprized some line have been bred smaller for mister red makes sence to me but their are enough lines out their to suit all kinds.
  13. A true and honest looking terrier the first pic atb.
  14. Killng eachother thats crazy stuff, have to say I have experienced dogs in my kennells a time ago kill eachother Wheaten killed a Staff, A Patt killed his daughter. A horrible thing. Bout the jagd I suppose if they were good ground dogs they would be in Ireland or the Uk for sure. They wouldnt be let slip by.
  15. Have only seen them on the net they seem dead game. Pitty they aint a couple about here in Ireland to try out the smaller one's obviously. Im sure some would come good and some bad like all terriers but see how they would compare to workers we have here. Maybe in the future . Atb .
  16. Like both dogs the jagd what height is he/she ive read they are too big for ground work he looks ok for it. Not much bigger than good size lakey type. Or am i tripping?
  17. A give em a break, money was nt as plenty full years ago when real terrier work was in its prime. If people managed im sure so can a dog once a dog has a warm bed and scraps from dinner they ll be fine.
  18. Nice looking type glen nice head sure looks like the older type, hate the really fluffy ones that look more like long westies
  19. Sometimes a badger can be found in other holes not just setts they may occasionally use a fox earth for a short time or box shores. Im sure digging men have come on them accidently but it has happened and not the digging mans fault its come up once and a while what can be done just pull the terrier off and let piggy on his way.
  20. Each to their own but would nt keep one in my kennell for me I would hate to have one. So im in the catagory that like their terriers to stay till dug to.
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