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Everything posted by tillearthdouspart

  1. Blacks have out worked bull Russell s 100 to 1 that's why their more popular.
  2. Their should be no argument here,and no place for aggressive dogs tippy toe around it all you like it's to risky
  3. That guy who said working dogs should cost 3 4 hundred is one small minded man and if his offended by that I could NT give a shit to be honest what a greedy Wally should never own a terrier. Don't belong in the game. And do I have the right to say that no but I feel I have to it's disgusting
  4. Never mind how old he is shoot the fecker he May end up killing good working dogs of your own ain't worth the chance IMO
  5. We'll what are we going to do , drown good working stock for God sake their hard enough to come by lets line them all up and burn em I think your reading a little to much into things.
  6. Yeah it has but was there really any need probably not the bull breeds were bred for bull baiting and dog fighting how can that benefit an earth dog , we all no their some good bull breeds but say they used aby breed I think their would be still some good one it's inevitable but was there need ..... I think not but that's my opinion we all differ
  7. Well for me terrier we're bred to hunt vermin. Not to show off in a ponsey ring fact. It can do no good to the terrier for the future if they want to bost about their terrier prove how good their terrier is by doing the right thing work the little fella .
  8. All mature at different stages only you will no when their ready, 10mth seems a bit early but its foxes were dealing with somecan handle them now for sure at that age its happened plenty a times to me and others to i bet. its really up to you and knowing your when their ready atb with your pup
  9. Real work is ground work and at the very least its the hardest of work for a terrier. Each to their own and all that but ground work cant be beating its their sole purpose get springer for bushing or beagles. And cats for rats Fact.
  10. Hay pup, sorry sale never went through bought one new after all. Do ya want the reciept
  11. Went out with my old man and three brothers one weekend. At 6 I tought it was the best thing ever and wanted to do it every weekend since then. And if they dared not to go any weekend id go myself , my first dig was at 10 all on my own felt like a big man.
  12. Mk1 or mk3 Munster or Leinster area so can collect.
  13. Real good little workers a matter of opinion never going to be to hard tho in general.
  14. If our heart is in it we ve nothing 2 worry about. The old boys were young once to . Terrier work is apart of who i am and at 26 im looking forward to years of terrier work/fun. An with a boy on the way im not going to let him miss out on this great sport.
  15. I think it was more of an outing they had showing their dogs at work underground but at a set location. A good day out either way .Not trying to mislead the word trial but their were other ways they proved their terriers other than the tunnel job.
  16. thats a good point thats worth reading. it was just my opinion that if there was trials at shows then at least yad see a dog doin a bit of work then it could be entered into a working terrier show, i just dont know why the dogs at the working terrier shows that win look like theyve came outa a salon lol, so how come they can rip the back outa crufts for show dogs on how they look nicely trimmed washed etc whenever 90% of the time the wt show judges do the same. thats all I see were your coming from a working terrier belongs in the field for working nothing else FULLSTOP...................
  17. It was nt all tunnel work some earths were used but i will say im only going on what i was told way to young to seen that carry on. But seen great old photos of the type a terrier trials they did here in this area at the time plenty men and women joined in the digs wish he was still around would ask him so much more.
  18. An ol freind mine had told me years ago they would take quarry to unused earths and have their sport their. And move on to next earth im sure you'd see whats promising or not.
  19. Course it would . Id love to attend the old trials What you could call a proper day out would beat looking at them ponsey lakies all day .
  20. Sure is a biggy, but im sure most terriers attitude would be the bigger the better bring it on.
  21. Lads their is another hunting/shooting website (boards.ie) could somebody with better computer skills than myself notify them guys about the rally in Cork not been lazy just wouldn't no how to put links n important info about this up I'm sure a good number of guys/girls would be interested in knowing bout this and some attending
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