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About tillearthdouspart

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Keep the rope loose so with no tension he'll be fine . Let him play away.
  2. Your dead right foxdropper a digging dog chipped is flipping mental . Whats next ??????????????? . Scary shit .
  3. Not at all what i was saying if you read it properly. I would rather have the skill than not if all else fails i think if it helps at all to get my little buddy out . Then its a blessing . As for letting a second terrier in how did you no that you must be God . Get of your stool ffs. The proper old skill is helpfull you clearly have not been tought tut tut tut.
  4. I think we have lost the old skill which was something that needed to be tought for a long period of time which could come in handy when tecnology fails as it has so many time. And we are very dependant on the box for obvious reasons . But its a precious gift carried down fron the men of old digs and i think it still has its place in our modern digging days. Altought im sure it wont last .
  5. Its not a bad thing anyway not one bit . 1 testy is plenty to produce same as us humans . Thats from a fertile side of things . And you would be extreamly unlucky for the one traped inside to cause you probs . Its all natural so the vets say anyway.
  6. (Wouldnt) do it anymore. But to say a worker to worker aint going to be better than a line bred dog is jibberish unless your god and no everything.
  7. Theirs plenty a dogs out their as good as eachother and not making a name but whats to say their any less a dog than the great dogs of days gone by that just been small minded in my opinion there always be something better in the game its down to the owners some want to keep quiet bout it some dont . But whats really important working terriers are still going strong no matter who has the so called best studd
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