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Everything posted by motoade

  1. Cheers, will all the tunnels be connected or should I just keep moving the smoker from hole to hole, and give about 30 sec blasts or til they bolt?
  2. Ok so I want to try a smoker, I can figure out how to adapt the chainsaw but what about blocking holes, how many as in percentage terms, keep terriers on leads at the ready?
  3. The barn is at Kilkenny gloucester
  4. Went to look at some stables today that we're inside a big barn. On two sides of the barn were earth banks and there must have been at least one hundred holes with rats running in all directions. The lads had a few before it all went quiet. We will hopefully be returning so my question is what is the best way to get them above ground for the mass extermination/terrier free for all! Cheers Ade
  5. If aliens monitered this site they would surely come to the conclusion that resistance from us would be futile and our planet would be theirs for the taking.
  6. Ok I didn't realise, your bitch apart my comment still stands, good news I guess is they will have a hard time stamping a breed standard on the patterdale thus keeping them out of the big shows and ultimately out of undeserving or unsuitable homes. One thing for sure these aren't for everyone!
  7. Patterdale? I have a staffy and two Patts, cracking looking bitch you have there but she looks more bull than patt, not criticising but I sometimes think the patterdale terrier suffers from a serious identity crisis, does anyone else feel this, anyway all the best with her.
  8. Barrel type and athletic do not go together, different builds different jobs.
  9. Long dogs you know I rate the dad, they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and that pup looks pure gold, all the very best, don't give the pond life a chance to lift him, regards ade
  10. Have often looked at your avatar long dogs and thought what a cracking looking lad you got there, for me that's a patterdale in its finest form, enjoy your time with him.
  11. Thank you for that, should we try and contact Middleton as a breeder or is it a strain we need to look further afield for. Excuse my ignorance but did Middleton not also breed patterdales. Anyway thanks again for giving us a direction, all the best, ade
  12. Hack can you tell me what is your dog, lakey, patt or cross, only we are looking for a similar type to go with our 13month old patt, thanks, ade
  13. I am looking to take my year old patterdale on his first ratting outing. He has already killed one and was very keen about it. Anyway I am in Stroud Gloucestershire and if any of you lads would be wiling to let us tag along I would be very gratefully (beers on me) Many thanks ade
  14. Honestly mate you gotta keep at it, it took 8months to get it fully sorted with our fella, seems to take a while with parts, had stb,s up until now and they were easy to train in comparison, don't give up the dog, they are worth any amount of effort cause they are the best when sorted.
  15. No probs with head shaking, and he is not penned, he is a family/working dog. Hopefully he will grow out of it. Another question, do you get your dogs protected against weils disease because of the rats. Thanks again
  16. Thanks for your input guys, what age do you think is right for their first experience with rats?
  17. He had an ear infection when he was younger, Im now thinking maybe it damaged him. Another question, I really want to put him to work at some stage, starting on rats. Im in no hurry as I want him mature enough not to be put off. He has caught a couple of mixy rabbits but lacks any real kill instinct, he will despatch them but its more play than with any intent. Is this because the rabbit is weak or does he just need to mature yet before he goes at it.
  18. Hi everyone, I have registered here in the hope of some info. My Patterdale is now seven and a half months old and although he is in great shape for a pup I am a little concerned about his balance. If he plays jumping up for a ball or generally play fighting he has a tendency to drop his head to one side and walk in a crabbing diagonal crouch almost like he is drunk. Is this something anyone has come across before. PS His parents are both workers and in great shape also. Many thanks Ade
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