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andy p

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Everything posted by andy p

  1. Excellent set up mate I'll have a proper bird room one day ha.
  2. I've just got a pair of red factor canaries and I'm wundering what the best Colour food is, iv got some red egg food and a powder that gose in the water made by bogna what's your thoughts
  3. What about the song ? Will a fife x sing a nice song
  4. and this is my little fife hen sitting on her eggs
  5. this is inside my shed it's not massive but it dose my fine
  6. Cracking pics mate nice mule aswell
  7. When's the best time to start them on the colour feed ?
  8. Thanks for the first rate advice mate I'm running out ov rabbit so will start on the kitten meat. They all doin fine lapping from the bowl I'm still cleaning them but their doin great thanks again mate champion advice should be pinned for future reference
  9. Cheers lads it's alot easier now I'm mixing the meat and milk
  10. new birds I got today cock and hen the bloke said the hen is ready to go down so fingers crossed
  11. quick pic ov the kits will take a pick every week to see how they are growing
  12. here's mine , more of a run than a court
  13. They love than meat and milk it's alot easier than feeding them one at a time. will I just fill the dish from now on then and do away with the bottle I was using ?
  14. Nice one mate cheers av been giving them beaphar kitten milk I'll mix it with the rabbit I've minced cheers they doin great
  15. Cheers for the tips al leave them alone for a few years till I get a bit more experienced
  16. That was my next question would they be a good beginners bird cheers
  17. Are chafinches easy to come by as I'm after a cock bird but have never seen them advertised hoping to get one oct time
  18. Wouldn't mind seeing everybody's setups just to get some ideas for mine all I've got atm is a flight and the shed nxt door has the cages in I'll get some pics up tomorrow cheers
  19. It's a terrible feeling she was a good worker hopefully they will all survive they eating fine and warm so should be ok
  20. Aye went out to feed her found her curled up kits are doin fine so far fingers crossed
  21. andy p


    I never go without the dogs mate much easier marking, catching ect
  22. Happend to me yesterday mate am on hand rearin 8 3 week old kits nightmare sorry to hear bout your Jill
  23. Deben sell the battery's mate
  24. Cheers bud me to, a hand reared a litter a few years ago managed to keep 4 out ov 8 alive So fingers crossed
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