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Everything posted by GrCh

  1. GrCh

    egging :@

    I use to love eggin windows as a kid. Would hate for somebody to egg mine now though
  2. ratting with the staff and pup tomorrow :)

    1. GrCh
    2. rob190364


      off to your mas kitchen again pal? :-D

    3. GrCh


      lol , yeah rob cant keep the b*****ds out I know how you feel now :)

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  3. My lurchers stay in the kennel while at work my staff comes with me to work when I'm on my own jobs.
  4. Hope you have plenty of money saved up lad.
  5. always a trial when buying a "working dog".
  6. not been on for ages but happy birthday.
  7. thats got a really short muzzle mate, can it breath ok? looks well looked after though. PS stewie name & shame pal
  8. Tigers & Leopards can struggle with wild boar not a dog on this planet that could kill one (maybe hold but not kill). I wouldn't slip my lurchers on one thats for sure.
  9. thats a fantastic looking dog, not big into EBT's but credit where credits due.
  10. other night we saw a dead badger at side of the path.
  11. already wished you happy birthday on FB not doing it again your not the queen....well not her majesty anyway. Happy birthday pal
  12. no good for skip hunting --- give me a nice van anyday fast car would be wasted on me i`m a proper miss daisy .. I had a 62 plate vw caddy bluemotion for a month from work, remarkable van drove better then alot of cars I've driven. Gutted now back to driving a ford connect.
  13. GrCh

    If you

    get the pink ones mate to match the rest of the house
  14. For 8-10k !! ....................................he probably wants things like an engine,wheels,seats etc with it .....anyway none of the Rangeys are particularly quick cars. sorry I didnt see the 8-10k part lol For the 10k mark probably be an old M3 I'd imagine
  15. i'm guessing south wales but dont quote me on it.
  16. Do you no him personally then?? No.....but I didn't need to know Osama Bin Laden personally to know he was a c'nt either comparing a mass murderer with a player from a rivel club?
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