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Everything posted by GrCh

  1. yeah its been ages since i read a post of mr earth.
  2. James mclean refused to wear one yesterday.
  3. I've never paid for a terrier whats differance in paying for a terrier,lurcher or spanial?
  4. Madonna looks great for 50 she has a body of a man half her age....

  5. cannae whack a decent black GSD... Nice mate, i remember seeing your one before. A while back i had a GSD come wandering into my field, it was a bit skittish and couldn't get through the fence. I was a bit wairy of going over too it and it panicked and managed to squeeze through the fence. I jumped in the motor and off i went round the forestry track to see if i could find anyone looking for it. Soon bumped into a guy holding a beautiful black GSD...it did not look happy to see me... Ended up speaking to him and randomly it was not his dog and he was a policeman just out for a walk w
  6. None taken personaly I would never charge for a pup/older dog (not that I ever have any spare anyway) each to their own but dogs and cash just shouldn't go together Have you bought a dog for cash before?
  7. I'd have bullx,staff,pure bull,working terriers, Rottweilers.
  8. alot of people have to much time on their hands worrying about other peoples kennels by the looks of it pal.
  9. dont you know you cant be racist if your anything other then white?
  10. saluki's,pure greyhounds, lap dogs, english bulldogs, border collie..... loads really.
  11. The reason the terrier was sold was explained to the new owner it was a private matter and didnt need to be branded on a public forum. Alot of nosey people about.
  12. Couldnt agree more..............if someone is only able to keep 2 working dogs then why spend possibly years not working dogs just to see out the life of 2 old dogs .........move them on and start again they are dogs not children. Bang on the money
  13. had my lurcher on a dig and she just stood their we when needed her input. Didnt help i'd been building dog up all week.
  14. Rocky1 on here has also seen the dog graft.
  15. not offeneded at all I'd be the same but no pics will be sent via email\text it shouldn't matter what it looks like aslong as it grafts mate. No lines in this just worker\worker. He's been tested very hard and has never backed down always stuck to the job in hand. All these questions will be answered at the trail for the genuine people who are interested.
  16. 13" and not enough work the dog mate.
  17. dog no pics will be sent pal, this dog is 100% a bargain for money.
  18. 4yr old patterdale does the lot £300 trial welcome. south yorkshire
  19. only thing my golden retriever liked were shaggin,food & beer. Great personality though.
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