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Everything posted by GrCh

  1. Can you have too much bumming? i'm not a big fan of homosexual sex mate.
  2. never got into it to much bumming going on imo.
  3. how much does auto glass charge to repair a chip in the window if your insurance does not cover it?

    1. Lab


      Aye but if it costs less to get the whole window mate then just do that...?..:-)

    2. GrCh


      blooody hell mate i thought it would be a £30 job dddrrrrr

    3. christian71


      Why rob a car with a chip in the window :-}

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  4. just reading some of the comments left by these "cyber trolls" whats wrong with some people?
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIfxBthfFkg
  6. always something in the bag wi you pal. ATB.
  7. GrCh

    kates funbags

    were talking about womens nipples mate. Yes friend I know, normal woman's not your woman's, which are in fact like monkeys thumbs......... how do you do it mate your comebacks are second to none. I'm starting to hero worship you......
  8. GrCh

    kates funbags

    were talking about womens nipples mate.
  9. a priest checks into a hotel, and says to the receptionist, "I am a man of God, and I do hope the porn channel is disabled!" the receptionist replies "no, it's regular porn you sick b*****d"

  10. Rolfe deleted it he's the number one royalist on here.
  11. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-09-15/anti-us-protests-hit-sydney/4263372
  12. GrCh

    kates funbags

    We are over GrCh Remember the bigger the tits the bigger the girl Unless their fake of course i prefer a bit of meat on a lass size 10-14 perfect imo Feck you wouldnt want me then :laugh: why you bigger than that? your not one of them birds thats bigger lay down are you? No i am not, im smaller... Im a size 6. Too small for GrCh's liking i'd split you in two My fella is a 6ft 4 and has a good lot of muscle.......... so i think not yeah and I have a BIg cock....
  13. GrCh

    kates funbags

    We are over GrCh Remember the bigger the tits the bigger the girl Unless their fake of course i prefer a bit of meat on a lass size 10-14 perfect imo Feck you wouldnt want me then :laugh: Wrong.!!!!!......hole and a heartbeat are GrChs recommendations....... . your wrong there they dont have to have heatbeats.
  14. GrCh

    kates funbags

    We are over GrCh Remember the bigger the tits the bigger the girl Unless their fake of course i prefer a bit of meat on a lass size 10-14 perfect imo Feck you wouldnt want me then :laugh: why you bigger than that? your not one of them birds thats bigger lay down are you? No i am not, im smaller... Im a size 6. Too small for GrCh's liking i'd split you in two
  15. GrCh

    kates funbags

    We are over GrCh Remember the bigger the tits the bigger the girl Unless their fake of course i prefer a bit of meat on a lass size 10-14 perfect imo Feck you wouldnt want me then :laugh: why you a BIG girl?
  16. GrCh

    kates funbags

    We are over GrCh Remember the bigger the tits the bigger the girl Unless their fake of course i prefer a bit of meat on a lass size 10-14 perfect imo
  17. GrCh

    kates funbags

    The only big tits you've seen are Bogger and terrierman mark. :laugh: wish bogger were still on here he were a good lad, Got my bitch off him. Me and "terrier-man mark" have had another fall out.
  18. GrCh

    kates funbags

    is what your ex said i dont remember you being this quick witted Bri @malt i like to see them bouncing mate
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