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Everything posted by GrCh

  1. GrCh


    seems like the Mod jobs are being given out to anymore now...... congrats mate enjoy ban christian please
  2. Hope they find that little girl soon, feel sorry for the parents :(

    1. Lab


      Not looking good i say.....:-(

    2. paulus


      very sad,but very true lab

  3. you hunt feral dogs with dogs? So are you dogs dog aggressive? (I'm not being a clever b*****d just curious)
  4. GrCh


    only having a laugh mate
  5. GrCh


    pmsl thats not code for kids is it?
  6. GrCh


    i think you reacted alittle to defensive there mate either you would or have! Me I dont think I could to be honest but admit some are stunners lol
  7. GrCh


    It's mad isn't it. I'm being serious (and scared at the same time) when I say they genuinely are better looking!! would you rule it out or would you think give it ago for curiosity's sake?
  8. GrCh


    i heard the only way to tell if its a ladyboy in thailand (apart from the obvious) is that the ladyboys are better looking.
  9. GrCh


    lol i bet theres a few thats been with a ladyboy before weather they'll admit it is another thing I'd put money on rob190364 having his back package sorted out by a he\she.
  10. GrCh


    what about thailand and has anyone been with a ladyboy?
  11. Jim fixed it for you then did he. he was a good bloke we were always round for sleep overs even slept in his bed with him and the dutchess
  12. aload of shite imo the blokes dead cant defend himself they are after a free holiday.
  13. GrCh


    going for my mates stag do in feb.
  14. Apparently, I can't say "Black paint!" any more. I have to be PC and say, "Please paint that wall, Leroy."

  15. bring back tb25!!!

    1. GrCh


      beggin friends now lass lol

    2. johnny boy68

      johnny boy68

      She ain't on there Mo.

    3. MoChara


      I am GrCh, get a good nosey at folks pictures lol


      Tell her to get her wee arse on it and Johnny lol

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  16. GrCh

    My Pigs!

    already on the list mate
  17. GrCh

    My Pigs!

    would love a couple of pigs.
  18. http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/news/hatton-fight-senchenko-comeback-bout-105649741.html
  19. nice pups mate your going to be busy.
  20. i've spent loads of time training my bullx but once she's on shes "on" a good strong collar is essential.
  21. get out wi dogs for abit adios amigos

  22. stop mixing your words say what you think pal lol
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