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Little Butch

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Everything posted by Little Butch

  1. What about registration numbers ? I saw an anti's car down my way the other day, didnt get the plate number but im sure they'll be down here again Little Butch
  2. They're capable of putting an elderly womans number on the internet and encouraging people to ring her up and give her abuse because she sets larson traps in her garden Wankers
  3. Good post mate, i didnt know any of that I take it that running them with dogs is still illegal as they are not pests ? Leon
  4. Ok mate Im already a member of other sites so wont become a donator here just yet. Please can you PM me what i wrote in that first post so that i can copy it to another site ? Cheers
  5. Cheers for all the replies folks I keep hearing good things about these collie greys, seems like a good dog
  6. Nearer the time i'll have a more serious look. So where should i look for these good lurcher to lurcher crosses ? On here, countrymans weekly etc ? Any general info on lurchers would be great
  7. Yeah i did think about lurcher to lurcher breeding. Im not looking for one just yet, maybe in 6 - 12 months time. Was just lookiing into it a bit deeper for the time being.
  8. Ok so they wouuldnt really be any good for my uses ? It would be my first and only lurcher so wouldnt really wanna take a chance, so would want a dog which i know would definitely do what i wanted it to do. Can anyone reccomend any other cross then ? Cheers
  9. I was talking to denned on the chat about what lurcher would suit me. It needs to be an alrounder - Ferreting, rabbits, and retrieving the odd fox, hare and deer. He reckoned a Saluki Grey x whippet might be a good cross ? What do you lot think ? The land is fairly flat round here with the odd hill. Cheers
  10. Cheers people, i'll have to find out how bad a heart murmur she has
  11. Took my English Bull to the vets yesterday to get her jabs But whilst we were there the vets said that she had a heart murmur and to keep her away from vermin and watch she doesnt collapse Is this true ? Can she not come ratting anymore ? Is there anything i shouldnt let her do because of it ? Cheers
  12. I'd like to get into trapping and snaring so have decided to take the plunge and get me some kit. Has anybody here got any they would like to sell or trade ?? Im looking for rabbit snares, rat snares, fenn trapps etc etc Cheers
  13. What ?? I havent gave it a proper check over yet as theres not much room in the garage but will do later.
  14. Erm yeah i'd say i was mechanical although definitely not a genius lol Would prefer to do it myself really
  15. Cheers. It only leaks when its running though
  16. Managed to get my little chainsaw started, but it still drips petrol and when i take the choke off (i think its the choke anyway lol) it just cuts out ? Maybe it need running a bit before i take the choke off as it has been sat outside for ages. What about the dripping petrol ? How do i sort that out ? And I have to take the chain off right ? Cheers
  17. Cheers everyone Spoke to my dad about it and he said we'll get her done Thanks again
  18. Haha dont think a bong would work, mind you they might walk out stoned and be an easy kill lmao
  19. Cheers for that mate. Its worried me a bit now lol
  20. Feck me thats long lol I'll read it anohter day when ive got more time So this weils disease. what are the chances of my dog catching it whilst ratting ? What is my dog exposed to without these jabs ? Little butch
  21. Ok i'll have a look at that. Cheers ditch
  22. I'm really interested in ratting with my english bull and am getting more and more into it as time goes on. Thing is she is 3 in june and hasnt had her jabs, bloke we got her off said that her parents and so on didnt have jabs and that they build up their own immune system ? Is it safe to take her ratting ? I know the bloke and have no reason to doubt what he's saying just after peace of mind
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