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Little Butch

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Everything posted by Little Butch

  1. :laugh: I too couldn't work out whether this post was a joke or serious ? If its serious then why is everybody so suprised ? Everyone knows the Welsh have been doing this since forever Butch
  2. Yea a good shockleader is a must, or you could just use some 60lb line, you'll need that to make rigs anyway Google these rigs, theyre basic and easy to make: 1 hook flapper/2 Hook flapper Pully rig wishbone rig I normally use 2/0 hooks but it depends what your after. Big cod will need atleast a 4/0, same for big bass, for flat fish i'd say a size 1 or something. Mussels are also a good cheap bait thats easily to collect, works well for cod. Now the weathers warming up the main fish people want to catch is Bass but theres also others about. Butch
  3. Speak to the local fisherman, they will know the best spots but some may not be willing to tell you them. Fresh bait is best but for those times when you cant be f****d to go digging, frozen squid is a good backup bait. Its also good to tip off wormbaits with Best time to fish is normally 2 hours before high tide untill 2 hours after but try all different times and state of tide. Night time normally brings good results. Any questions just ask Butch
  4. You bumped it 1 minute after you made the thread and then again 7 minutes after that ? Is there something wrong with you mate ? Butch
  5. Ohhh god how much I'd pay to get my hands on that wanker Butch
  6. Thanks for informing me about that Butch
  7. Only for Welshman ? Thats f*****g discrimination I tell ye. You'll be hearing from my lawyer Butch
  8. Sorry but whats a bubble float ? And a starlight ? Butch
  9. I'm sure I've got a rod that size somewhere, and I've already got a fixed spool loaded up with 12lb line Prefer to use natural baits, worms ? What sorta worms ? Cheers Butch
  10. Well I've heard of pulling mackerel feathers across the surface for Bass so thought it may work. Obviously not I'm talking about anything really Rivers or still water, not bothered. Butch
  11. Alright lads, need some help. Been into fishing since i was real young but have been into sea fishing seriously for about a year Been reading the threads about Trout fishing and its really got me interested Got a shed load of different rods here and a good reel. Fly fishing isn't my thing so I'd be using a fixed spool, what length of rod is best ? What about baits ?? Or could i just get a set of mackeral feathers or the like with a small weight on the end and drag them across the surface ? Where in Suffolk is good for trout ? Just any advice in general to be honest Cheers Butch
  12. I've hear they can have pretty poor feet ? But i've never owned one so couldnt say for definite Butch
  13. Sounds like another money making scheme from our so called 'government' There will come a time when you have to buy a licence to f*****g take a shit next But what exactly can we do to stop all of this licencing ? I really dont know Butch
  14. Nice shot I know what i'd do if i had pheasants in my garden Butch
  15. I know where some 3 inch x 1 inch mesh is. I just need some bolt croppers to err cut it to length Butch
  16. Wouldn't mind watching a video of a pack of Dogos Vs a Jaguar In the natural environment they must be one hell of a challenge. Butch
  17. My mum is 1/2 English 1/2 Irish & my dad is 1/2 Scottish 1/2 English So that makes me 1/2 English 1/4 Irish 1/4 Scottish right ? Butch
  18. Yea suppose if it throws more to the greyhound side Butch
  19. For drawing why not use a pure bull ? Or do you use the half cross for other things ? Butch
  20. Dogo's are one hell of a dog, and theyre tested on some tough quarry aswell. Big cats are notorious for swiping with their paws and have razor sharp claws. Butch
  21. Would a good game pit tackle a Puma ? Maybe even some of the well bred irish's that are about ? Butch
  22. Was that were they pulled it out of a tree ? Not a nice thing to do in my opinion, but wouldnt mind seeing another Dogo vs Puma video Anybody know of one ? Butch
  23. What difference would it make crossing them to a greyhound ? They already look fast enough. Butch
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