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Little Butch

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Everything posted by Little Butch

  1. One nine a rig check? Now you've really lost me, must be some sort of Radio talk Whats the range on these CB's? I'll have a look on ebay now Butch
  2. I just wired it upto a charger without an aerial just to see if it worked, which it did Had 40 channels Butch
  3. Little Butch


    To be honest, If it helps this country any anyway I'm not that bothered about being classed as a 'Racist' Butch
  4. :laugh: Got a couple of Car battery chargers here, they should do the job All I really need now Is an aerial. Did somebody say the saw a load at the car boots? I haven't been to one in years and am probably not likely to go anytime soon, could ye be so kind if you see one to get it for me? Then I could pay you back Roughly how much are they? How many channels, no idea mate. doesn't say on the front either but heres a pic anyway Butch
  5. It's 27MHz FM Ditch No idea what that means It's got a built in speaker so what do I need to do? Just hook up an Aerial and power supply? Where the F*ck would I get 13.2V from? Butch
  6. Scottish Beaver? Best not click on that link, never know what filth BlueCoyote could be posting Butch
  7. Looks a bit like 'Poison Deathcap' Dont eat it Butch
  8. Sounds like a plan mate Cheers for the compliment, shes an alright dog. A bit mad at times but thats what makes them so appealing Butch
  9. I've just found a couple of old CB Radios in the garage and would like to get one up and running. The one in the photo is larger than the other one & the other one doesn't have a thingyjig (The bit you talk into) So It'll probably be the larger one I get up and running Obviously it needs an aerial. What sort and how expensive are they? It would also need a power supply, the other one says 13.2 volts but the one I intend to use doesn't say. And of course It would need a speaker linked up to it. I can see where the Aerial and Power goes but theres two more holes? Both of them are lab
  10. Nice smoker mate Looks quite heavy though? I'm making one at the moment, its from a small chainsaw. Got it running just need to attach a pipe to the exhaust. Is there another way than just welding it? Butch
  11. Put up or shutup is what I think. If you come into our country and steal all the Taxpayers cash by having cars bought for them and flats rented for them, then you deserve a bit of grief. Theyre f*****g scum, for everyone of them that comes over that means one more single mum gets put back on the waiting list for a flat. Butch
  12. Thats the size of a f*cking car battery Butch
  13. Well they do say that Pets turn out like their owners Butch
  14. Cheers for that mate, I've got a cammo tarp which will do well Used to have a cammo net years ago but gave it away I'll have to set one of these up. Butch
  15. I'm not whinging mate I've been with Molecatcher before and will go again Butch
  16. I know you did, thanks I'll defo come up again, its just a fairly long way, you know? Thats why somebody close would be great. Have lost your number mate, PM me it again Butch
  17. :laugh: No seriously he does make some good stuff people I think It's best to PM him if you want to buy some fish net tights off him though Butch
  18. Thanks mate You see what I mean? I get invites but theyre just not close enough Butch
  19. Molecatcher is the king of nets. Makes some great stuff You should see the netted tights he makes, theyre great Butch
  20. Asking for Lamping but Dates are always welcome What your partner doesnt know wont hurt him Butch
  21. Theyre called Bobwires mate The birds can go in but cant get out as the Bobwires only move one way Butch
  22. Thought I'd bump the thread. Really tryna get somebody to take me out next season Nobody lives close enough though Butch
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