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Little Butch

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Everything posted by Little Butch

  1. F*ck that, I'd rather buy another gun! Butch
  2. Is It safe to use TCP on Dogs to Disinfect their cuts? Butch
  3. I'll trade ye a knife for both. I'm tryna get rid o' these bloody knives Butch
  4. My English Bull Terrier Bitch gave birth to one Pup just over 8 weeks ago and she's nearly back to her old self. She used to be In fair shape but starting tomorrow I'm gunna get her Conditioned As she gave birth a while back I don't want to push her too much, so I'm starting her off on walking Half a Mile twice a day. If this Is easy for her then I'll up It to a Mile twice a day. I plan to up the distance as she becomes fitter. Then start the Jogging, I need to get fit for the Army so looks like I'll have a Jogging buddy I'll post Pictures every week and hopefully you'll be able t
  5. Aye that's what I thought. I might write them a letter asking about the breeding of the Dogs and ask If they're for sale :laugh: Would rattle their cage! Butch
  6. What a load of b*llocks that was...Why doesn't anybody show Pro Hunting? Butch
  7. BBC 2 Wales or Sky Channel 991 Butch
  8. I'll be watching It. I can almost guarantee somebody says 'If you see a bloke with Terriers and a Spade ring the Police, he's Badger Digging' Ignorant stuck up Tw*ts Butch
  9. I'll be watching It If I win the fight for the TV Butch
  10. Why thankyou I've just printed that picture off Fox-Gun. What sorta size Is your Original Copy? Butch
  11. You'll always come across Ignorant Tw*ts Timmmy you just gotta either Ignore them or give them something to talk about. Depends what sorta person you are. Me, I'm the 'Give them something to talk about' Type Butch
  12. Get yourself an old Discovery or Defender for the Mutts and get yourself another car for road use Butch
  13. That Is Tracey In my Avatar Lass... Butch
  14. No Its a Monster Truck Replica, got It about 5 years ago for Christmas. Getting the Mark 1 Escort version this Christmas though...Cant wait Butch
  15. Aye I wouldn't mind a copy of that on the P.C What do you folks think of my new Avatar then? Butch
  16. I can always drive my Remote Control Car about :laugh: Butch
  17. I'm too young to even drive a car so yano...Not even a bloody Escort for me I've still got the good looks though If that's any good to ye? Butch
  18. Well I do my best to Impress the ladies Kay :kiss: Butch
  19. Just ordered my copy. And I agree with SJM... Butch
  20. Cracking picture, looks like a mean old C*nt! Butch
  21. f1 is a bit like rugby......it takes a bit of intelligence to understand and enjoy it I haven't got that Intelligence then Butch
  22. Sainsburys actually Kay :laugh: Butch
  23. Load of Bollocks, might as well watch a F*cking Scaletrix go round! Cant stand Formula 1, give me street racing any day Butch
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