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Little Butch

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Everything posted by Little Butch

  1. Don't be so rude SS, Is that your Chatup line? :laugh: Butch
  2. I'll be pissed off If my Gun turns out to be Choked to something that Is not suited to my Shooting! Butch
  3. I'll get It checked by the Gunsmith.. So I take It Full Choke's good for Foxes etc but for Rough Shooting you want something with more Spread? Butch
  4. Didn't think It'd be long 'till somebody posted a 'Rambo' Knife.. For f*cks sake why would you need a knife that big?! :laugh: Butch
  5. Oh yea that's the one.. Same Gun as mine Butch
  6. SST? And I take It EJT means Ejector? If so, yes It's an Ejector.. Butch
  7. Oh right, I'll be In the Gunsmiths to pick some Cartridges up soon so I'll get him to tell me.. Cheers, Butch
  8. I've had my Baikal 12 bore o/u for a while now and have been doing a bit of Clay Shooting (going again this Satuday) I plan to do all sorts of Shooting Including, Rough, Driven Pheasant, Decoying, Wild Fowling etc.. Anybody know what Choke this Gun usually comes In? Also, what would be the best Choke for my kind of Shooting? Cheers, Butch
  9. Totally agree with you there 'Socks' too many people worry about their Dogs too much! Butch
  10. Aye and It would reflect more Heat towards you.. Nice set-up you've got there mate, wish I had a bigger Shed I could sit and tinker about In! Bored sh*tless at the moment.. Butch
  11. How long did you serve mate? And you didn't answer my question.. I've got a 12 Bore will this be good enough for one of them 'Pakis' or 'Ragheads' as you like to call them?
  12. I've got a 12 Bore, will this be good enough? Butch
  13. It's not Racism It's Patriotism Yes, there Is good and bad In all races but from what I and others have experienced there's alot of bad In these Immigrating c*nts! I could sit here and type up every single thing that pisses me off about them but quite frankly, I can't be f*cked.. Now call me a Racist or what ever I really couldn't give two sh*ts! Butch
  14. Interview went well and so did my Pre-Selection In Norwich! :yes: Just got another Interview and Selection now.. Butch
  15. I'm lucky, my EBT Bitch reared Her own Pup! Some nice Dogs here Lads.. Keep the Pictures up. Butch
  16. A well bred Staffy! Perfect for the Kids.. Butch
  17. You got a pic mate? He's probably not 'thin' they bulk out as they get older.. Butch
  18. I used to know a bloke who had one.. R.I.P mate Butch
  19. If you've seen the Dog work why do you need photos?! Butch
  20. Why would you need Photos when your Mate owns the Dog? Surely you can just got and see It.. Wouldn't you want to see how He Runs before you even think of Breeding the two? Butch
  21. How many Dogs do you have? I thought you had loads, If I'm wrong then I apologise.. Butch
  22. Fair enough mate, some people Hunt as a means of Pest Control and I'm pretty sure that a f*ck off Dog like any of the Bull Breeds would finish the job alot quicker than the average Lurcher! I was on the phone to Lyndon the other day and he was sayin' that If a Dog can finish the job quicker then It's going to take alot less stick, this Is surely a good thing because nobody wants a laid up Dog and the less stick a Dog takes, the less likely It Is to jack, right? But each to their own and everybody Is entitled to their opinion.. Butch
  23. Termintator was Gollys grandsire.. Sir of buster Butch
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