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Little Butch

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Everything posted by Little Butch

  1. Thanks for the supportive posts lads! He's only 16 months and we're his 3rd owners already so I'm glad he's with us now, he'll be with us until the end l..
  2. The English Bull died not long back! I was told he was 1/4 boxer but I can't see any Boxer in him at all apart from maybe a tiny bit in the face? Butch
  3. Owning a Stafford makes your dick atleast 10 Inches bigger, It's a proven fact Cody Butch
  4. Cheers mate, he's been getting walked in the daytime and then when I get back from work I take him out for about 45 minutes.. When I get a bike sorted I'll have him running beside the bike. Any tips with that? How far should I start off etc? Butch
  5. Cheers mate your bitch looks in great! What do you do with her?
  6. He'll be out with me as much as possible but got no PROPER work for him.. So he'll just be coming Ratting if I can get any and maybe he can tag along with the Lurchers and have a play
  7. Here's my new baby, Busta my 16 month old 3/4 Staff 1/4 Boxer Not had a chance to weigh or measure him but gues he's about 16/17tts.. Just plan on giving him loads of excersize and getting him in as good a shape as possible and maybe the odd bit of ratting.. I'll try get some decent photo's of him to show he's shape another day! Butch
  8. No proper work I doubt, just alot of fitness work and the odd but of ratting if I get any offers to go out!
  9. Good suggestion there Strong Stuff! Got a little Stafford now though, he's 16 months and looks in good shape already with only going on one short walk a day so should come up brilliant with some time and effort! I'll try get some photo's up at the weekend, need to weigh and measure him aswell.. Butch
  10. He's on dry food at the moment, gunna give him the scraps as treats and just see how it goes Hes in decent shape already and he didn't used to get walked that far so now he's getting walked twice a day he should come up lovely!
  11. Okay what about things like ribs? Yeah got him, he's 3/4 Staffy 1/4 Boxer but looks like a staff.. I'll weigh him and measure him at the weekend and stick a few photos up
  12. So things like scraps apart from pork, necks, trotters, ears, and bones.. What about big ones like leg bones?
  13. Got a 16 month old Staffy that I picked up this week and looking to get some decent grub into him.. I've got a mate who works at a butchers and he said if I turn up tomorrow I can take some bits for free. What kind of thing is safe to feed him? Necks, ears, trotters? What bones?
  14. Still at home with parents and they don't want a big dog :/ Checked out the white one earlier, 3/4 staff 1/4 boxer.. Probably only stands about 16tts and weighs f**k all but he's an absolute cracker! Beautiful muscle tone and shape and that's with short walks.. He'd look amazing with some more work!
  15. He looks alot better than half these hippo Staffords doesn't he? Can't see the boxer in him though..
  16. What do ye think of this? Say's Staff x Boxer but looks like a pure Stafford in the pics? Seems nice and athletic? http://www.freeads.co.uk/uk/buy__sell/pets/dogs/staffordshire_bull_terrier/14728147/muscular-staffy-cross-/view?utm_source=Pets&utm_medium=Oodle&utm_term=staffordshire_bull_terrier#.Ty7eB8U5I0M
  17. I'm great cheers mate, you keeping alright? I don't get on here that often so It's nice to speak to some old faces.. But yes, dog will be well cared for without a doubt!
  18. Yeah, can't not have a dog.. It's too quiet! Just want a decent, healthy Staffy, preferably something leggy with a nice head like the old staffs..
  19. Sadly we lost her a week or so ago! Heart failure..
  20. I'm after a decent staffy, something leggy and athletic I'm In Ipswich but don't mind travelling for the right dog.. Cheers
  21. It'll definitely be a pup, I think half of the fun is in rearing a dog from young and brings you alot closer!
  22. Cheers mate I might just have to do that..
  23. Thankyou mate, exactly the kind of thing I was after! I'll definitely put the time in with training.. After a general pot filler and a companion at the same time. Butch
  24. Should be getting my first Lurcher in a couple of months! I've grown up around dogs, both pets and working labs but have never spent alot of time or owned a Lurcher before.. I'll eventually want to use it daytime and lamping for various quarry and some of the fields round here are a fair size so I take it I'll want something with a bit of gears? Any advice on feeding, rearing as a pup, training etc would be appreciated.. Also If there's any litters coming up in the next few months close to Suffolk but I'm willing to travell for the right pup. Butch
  25. With every reply my excitement gets worse lol! Flights aside, how much would you budget for each month?
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