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Little Butch

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Everything posted by Little Butch

  1. I've booked my first lesson on a Bike for 7th April and now need to think about what Bike to get I'll be 17 soon and am only a small lad (5ft 7) I've had experience on a 100cc Scooter (done 70mph), a 60cc Crosser & a little Minimoto.. Never rode a Geared Bike though. Ideally I'd like a Supermoto but Money's really low so was thinking about other Bikes..? From what I've read It's best to stay away from the Smaller Bikes as you'll end up getting bored? What do you lot recommend? Cheers, Butch
  2. Booked my first Lesson Today and am gunna book my Theory In later Today I might not even get a Supermoto, I'd love one! But all depends on what I can afford.. As usual Butch
  3. Learn the Shooting Seasons and then after that learn proper English! Butch
  4. That one's gone now.. Still got the other 2 though Butch
  5. Suprised you managed to hold that fish Wolly! :laugh: Butch
  6. Cheers, to be honest I probably wouldn't be on the Motorways much anyway! Butch
  7. Little Butch

    my fishes

    We used to keep quite a few Tropicals untill our Tank went crazy and all the Fish died! :wink: My favourite has to be Red Tailed Sharks though! Butch
  8. I'm gunna book my first Lesson for the 7th April which Is when I turn 17.. Butch
  9. Never rode a Supermoto.. I want something that will sit happily on a Motorway but also be good on the Corners & enough Power to piss around with Butch
  10. But If I have Lessons before the end of the Month I won't have to worry about that? Butch
  11. So for a Starter Supermoto what would you reccomend? Hopefully something cheap! And yea I am going In the Army, I thought sbout what you just said a little while ago.. Butch
  12. I like your mates WR 450, My Dad used to have one and the power was crazy! When restricted to 33Bhp what sorta speeds do they do? Obviously for the Track Days.. Butch
  13. I'd like a Supermoto, loads of bendy roads round here! Butch
  14. Right so I can do my Catagory A straight away? What would be a good first Bike? I'm after a Supermoto or an Enduro Bike I can eventually convert.. Butch
  15. I'm getting confused! I've done my CBT, so does this mean I can go and do my Cat A1 (upto a 125cc) or can I go and do my Cat A (gotta be restricted to 33bhp) Ideally I'd like a 250cc Enduro and then convert It to a supermoto! Butch
  16. It'll have to be restricted to under 33bhp If It's over a 125, right? Butch
  17. I was planning on getting a Car when I turn 17 (April 7th) but now I'm seriously thinking about getting a Bike. I've got some experience with Bikes, I used to ride a 60cc Twist and go Crosser, a 50cc Minimoto and most recently on the Road a 100cc Speedfight Scooter on 50 paperwork Ideally I'd like a Supermoto.. My Dad used to have a Honda Crf Supermoto which I really liked. What license do I need to get, I want a bigger Engine than a 125cc? How long does It take to get It? Do you have loads of Lessons like for a Car License? How much will It cost me? Roughly how much I
  18. Cheers, I think I'll leave Him at Home the first couple of times out as he'll only get In the way! I might be Smoking the underneath of my Mates Shed out soon Butch
  19. F*ckin' good Idea that mate! Butch
  20. I've nearly got my Smoker sorted, there's a Pipe attached to the end but It's a bit wobbly so I've put some Exhaust Putty on there. I'm a bit worried that the Flexi Pipe will melt as the Copper one Isn't that long but time will tell I've only got the one Dog and a 6 Month Pup.. When should I let the Pup come out with me as I don't wanna spoil him? He's still pretty Puppyish! There's a load of loose Hay next to a shallow Stream which I'm gunna try soon. Butch
  21. Tidyness Is a sign of an unhealthy mind! Butch
  22. The thing I like about your Gear apart from just the quality Is the fact that EVERYTHING Is from ENGLAND! Keep up the good work Aaron mate.. Butch
  23. Ok, just sent a few Pics over.. PM me whether you've got 'em or not.. Butch
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