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Little Butch

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Everything posted by Little Butch

  1. If I had a big Pond I'd love to have all sorts of Freshwater Fish In there but I've got the smallest Garden so will have to make do with this! Might get a couple of Goldfish then go down the local Pond and see what I can catch Butch
  2. It's alright, can't all be born with Brain Cells can we? Butch
  3. It's obviously not finished yet! Cock.. Butch
  4. It's filled right up now.. Thanks JPT, you got msn? PM me It.. I keep Tropical Fish aswell but we've only got a couple left now. How long will the Water be alright for If I don't get a Pump? I plan on getting one soon but will It go Stagnent In a week or so? Butch
  5. I filled It with the Water Butt not a Tap.. What Plants would you recommend? How many Fish would It hold? (4ft x 3ft and 1.5ft Deep) What sort of Fish? Just Goldfish or something like Sticklebacks..? Butch
  6. The Water Butt ran out of Water but the Pond Is near enough Full.. It's about 4ft x 3ft and 1.5ft Deep, that should be enough for a few Fish yea? Butch
  7. Here's mine so far, It's still filling I've put some Gavel along the Bottom but might add some more later. Just need to get hold of a Pump and some Plants. Don't suppose anybody's got too many Plants In their Pond and wanna send me some over? Butch
  8. Just enlarged It and put the Liner In and now I'm going to fill It about halfway before I try and sort out the Liner (Sh*t loads of Folds etc!) I'll measure It and put the Dimensions up a bit later as It's started Raining.. Butch
  9. I'll get It set up with just the Pump and see how It goes.. If the Weather permits which I doubt It will, I'll have the Pond enlarged and refilled by Tomorrow.. Just gotta order the Pump then. How do you connect that Pump to a Filter then? Butch
  10. Something like this? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Easy-Jet-2200-lph-Po...A1%7C240%3A1318 Butch
  11. So I take It they're got one Hose to go In the Pond which sucks the Water out and then another Hose which Water comes out of which I could stick In the Water Butt? I could make a little Waterfall out of Rocks and that.. How much do they cost? Will I also need a Filter or will the Fish eat the Algae? Butch
  12. I've got a Water Butt, Is there a way I could turn this Into a Waterfall? Only problem Is that the Butt will run out of Water and the Pond will overflow. Any way round this? Butch
  13. I was thinking of a Couple of Goldfish Would a Bubble Strip (think that's the name) that you use In a Fish Tank be alright as that will give Oxygen? I'd like to fill the bottom of the Pond with a layer of Gravel. I take It they'll be alright In Rainwater from the Butt as they're hardy Fish? Butch
  14. I've got a small Pond which I am going to enlarge as there's a bit of Liner left.. At the moment It's full of Green Algae which fills the surface of the Pond! It's got no Fish In and no Pump but I'd like to stock It with a couple of Fish Once finished It will be around 1.5m x 1m and about 75cm Deep, how many Fish could this Hold and what Species? What sort of Pump will I need? Any Ideas are appreciated. Butch
  15. What a c*nt! You find out who your real mates are sooner or later.. Butch
  16. A Bulldog clip lmao?! Never heard that one before.. Butch
  17. Don't stock It with any Fish and when you fill It use Rainwater and a Bucketfull from a well established Pond.. You'll need some Oxegenator Plants which will give your Pond plenty of Oxegen. Butch
  18. The only reason they need peoples money Is to pay their fat wages! They're nothing but meddling c*cks who think they're some sort of Heroes, they've never been to mine but If they do I'll be reading them their rights and telling them to f*ck off unless they've got a copper with 'em! Butch
  19. He's an absolute c*ck.. We need rid! Butch
  20. We need more pictures like this! Butch
  21. I'd like Him to Swim then I can use It to keep Him fit.. I'll try encourage Him Into a really Shallow River that'll just get His Feet wet at first then work up from there.. Butch
  22. Welcome, where abouts In Suffolk are you from? I'm In Ipswich Butch
  23. I've got a 6 Month old Bull Terrier Pup and He's turning out great! I'd like to Introduce Him to Water and hopefully He'll love It, I understand that It's all about building confidence but how would you lot go about It? He's pretty outgoing so hopefully won't be too hard.. Butch
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