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Little Butch

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Everything posted by Little Butch

  1. I've got this one guarding my Home and Me! She'd soon make you think twice about mugging me
  2. Yea, make sure you add Shockleader to your Mainline, you need to tie It onto the Mainline and then wrap It 'round the Spool a few times and snip It off at the end of the Rod. The Idea Is that It takes to strain off the Lighter Mainline whilst you cast Butch
  3. Lyndon, what are your Bullys like compared to Staffs & Pits regarding wind? Butch
  4. You'll need a Beachcaster rod then, go for a 12ft or 13ft Rod at first I wouldn't spend loads of money on gear at first, I've been Sea Fishing for quite a while now and I still use the same Rods as I started with.. Your best bet Is to find a local Fisherman and ask what Species are about as then I could give you some more In depth knowledge and tips, ask 'em what Bait they use as It varies with different marks. I wouldn't start with Lures, In my opinion you can't beat a good natural bait! Any questions just ask away, PM me If you like. Butch
  5. I spent my first week at Woodlore, School of Bushcraft (Ray Mears School) I done exactly the same as what the Students done aswell as helping the Staff out and It costs big bucks to go on that course wheras I got It for free! Done the second week at B.T Butch
  6. Cruel c*nts! How and why do people do these sort of things?! People like this need a f*ckin' good beating! Butch
  7. Anybody else wanna post Photos of their pair of 'great tits'? :whistling: Butch
  8. I wish I had a pair of Great Tits In my Shed! I'd be visiting them all the time.. Butch
  9. So why would I have seen a Trio of them? I've seen It a few times although none recently.. Butch
  10. We've tons of 'em In my Village! They're really Interesting, I've been really close to them before. A few times I've seen them In Trio's, I thought they were Solitary Animals? Could these be a Doe and Her Two Fawns? Butch
  11. http://littlebutch.blogspot.com/ Please, have a read and tell me what you think, any Ideas and feedback would be great! Butch
  12. Happy Birthday you f*ckin' wolly! Butch
  13. Yea It's at the perfect high now Do you mean let Her work It for 20 Mintures without stopping once a day? I'm gunna try and get hold of some Carpet to put ontop of the Stones. Butch
  14. It's higher now than It was In that Video How long do you think I should let Her on It at once? And how many times a Day/Week? Butch
  15. Cheers, can't wait to get Her back to shape which shouldn't take too long with this handy Tool now Butch
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7canTBso0c Butch
  17. I've used a BMX Innertube as the Spring And I've now tied an old Leather Glove on as the Hide, seems to be working well. I'll get a Video up later. Butch
  18. I've made my Dog a Springpole which Is hung off a Basketball Hoop on the Wall with a Bike Innertube as the Spring.. Seems to work well enough The only thing I'm having problems with Is the Hide and Rope. I had It tied on by a bit of thick String which snapped, then I used some thicker Rope which the Dog's chewed through! And the Hide Is a Rope tied to a big knot which seems to be holding upto the wear and tear but the Dogs Teeth get stuck In It which Isn't good. So, how do you guys do It? Butch
  19. What do you guys Coat your Sticks with? Butch
  20. What a f****n' disgrace! Butch
  21. I thought about trying Connexions.. I turned to prostitution Instead! Butch
  22. English and proud! Now about to get the Flag flying.. Butch
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