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Little Butch

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Everything posted by Little Butch

  1. Is that the one at the Suffolk Showground or the one at Glemham Hall? Butch
  2. Nice, did you cover the Bulb with a Red Filter or anything to dim the light a bit? Butch
  3. What's the difference between AA Fields & AA Fields 5.52? Butch
  4. I'll let you know how I get on with 'em Butch
  5. I think I'm gunna try some more Air Arms Fields How much are they? Butch
  6. Name Him and then hopefully somebody who lives up His way will give Him a good beating! Butch
  7. I've heard real good things about both, Superdomes and AA Fields. I'm not sure which ones to go for, the Superdomes are cheaper and lighter, meaning a flatter trajectory? Buch
  8. What about AA Fields have you used them In It? Butch
  9. I was thinking either Superdomes or AA Fields. The Fields are 15.9 gr and the Superdomes are 14.5 gr If I remember rightly? Butch
  10. I've just bought a Webley Stingray Carbine In .22 and I've got a bit of Money left over from selling my other Gun So I'm going to buy a couple of Tins of Pellets, what would you go for? Butch
  11. Me and my Uncle rear Pheasants for our Shoot but I wouldn't mind trying to rear a few at Home Can It be done with a Heat Lamp? Butch
  12. Cheers Buster, I wouldn't say I was 'good' but.. I'll be down there trying my luck once I've got my new Gun. Butch
  13. Comes with the Silencer but not a Mag. Had loads of people PM me! The first person to PM me now willing to buy It for £175 Collected or £180 Posted gets It! Cheers, Butch
  14. I've got somebody Interested and willing to pay £175 but If you can better that offer It's yours.. Couldn't tell you what It's putting out but It's powerful enough. Butch
  15. I'll give It a go, I could easily go up there and take 100 + Rabbits with my Bull Terrier, Sara but I thought I'd try the Gun for a challenge Butch
  16. The sale fell through so It's back up for sale! I'm asking £175 for It. Butch
  17. Yea, should have made that a bit clearer, even though It says 'Warren'so It's kind of obvious Butch
  18. I've had a bit of Permission for a while now but couldn't get my PCP Filled so never had a chance to go up there. Got rid o' the PCP now and am after a Springer which I'll hopefully get soon Anyway, my Permission consists of a Woods and some Fields. I see loads of them along one peticular Hedgerow so I think I'll be trying there first! What's the best way to go about It? Set up some sort of Hide and wait 'till they come out? Once I've shot one and they all run Into their Warren, how long 'till they come out again? Butch
  19. I'm after one aswell, I've got £175 to play with.. I'm willing to go Second hand :yes Best for my Pricerange? I was thinking Lightning Xl? Butch
  20. It's been a Week Today and I can see a small Improvement, the Muscles are a bit more defined and there's a bit off Her Gut.. Nothing amazing but then that's never going to happen after a Week! I'll keep up what I'm dong for another Week and then I'll start doing something different, a bit of Biking and some Springpole. How long should I let Her work the Springpole for and how often? No point putting a Picture up as I don't think It'd show any difference but I will next Week. Butch
  21. 'i got 9 in total the pic is of four in my normal place , and i did`nt take another pic , completly slipped my mind' We've got a new 'Mark Brick' here guys.. Butch
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