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Little Butch

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Everything posted by Little Butch

  1. Do you lube your Pellets or not? Butch
  2. If It's not up for sale then why advertise It? Your nothing apart from f*ckin scum! butch
  3. My Ebt would bite the Dog In two! And no I wouldn't be paying f**k all! Butch
  4. I've probably got a Motor somewhere, might give It a go sometime You running It off a Car Battery mate? Butch
  5. I find don't getting caught helps! Butch
  6. Hubbs, why not go and look around His place to see If you think He's suitable? The Money should be Irrelevant Butch
  7. Yea, so any serious work, get yourself a Fixed Blade.. The Frosts clipper has a great reputation and I've had two Butch
  8. My mate wanted to do the Gunner Light Gun and I've had a look Into It, looks great! Much better than Infantry I'll put In for that, I just hope there's places left. Butch
  9. What's the difference between Para and Commando Gunner? Butch
  10. I'd just go for a Frosts Clipper ~ £10! Doesn't have a Wooden Handle though? Butch
  11. Go on Veals website and get yourself a 12ft Beachcaster, Fixed Spool Reel loaded up with about 18lb Mainline depending on what sort of venue your Fishing, a load of Swivels (not too big as they're more expensive), Beads, Crimps, Forceps and some 60lb Line to use as a Shockleader and Rig Bodys. I could go on forever with a list of Gear to buy but you don't need loads, just get yourself a basic set up and have some fun! There's plenty of sites which show how to make different Rigs (Flappers and Pulleys are what I mostly use) Any questions just ask, I'm In Ipswich, not sure how far that
  12. Nice one, what Engine's It got In It? And what Bhp Is It giving out? Butch
  13. How low you thinking of going? Butch
  14. Yea, slam It on It's arse! Butch
  15. I think I'll have a word at the Careers office, I'm leaning towards the 'Gunner Light Gun' though.. Once I've been In there, how long 'till I could apply for the Dog Handler course? Butch
  16. You could try the Meat Cleaver and Strap on treatment? I've heard a sharp Machete does as good a job as the Meat Cleaver.. Hope I could help! Butch
  17. Passed Selection a little while back, had a bit of a hiccup with my Urine samples but that's all sorted now. Haven't had a Phone call from them recently so I'm goin' to give them a call Tomorrow to see what's happening. My first Job choice Is Infantry, the second Is Gunner Light Gun and the Third Is Dog Handler. I've had a think and the Dog Handler s something I'd really love to have a go at! Can anybody shed some light on this particular Job? Is It hard to get Into? Butch
  18. Nice! You got any plans for It or are you keeping It standard? Butch
  19. I'll tell you how I get on Tomorrow, I'm hoping to get enough to fill the bottom Draw of the Freezer, then I can just get out what I need each Day. Butch
  20. I never got round to doing this! I plan on going up there Tomorrow though to see what they've got for me. I don't want to get a sh*t load In and then not know what to do with It all so I think I'll buy enough for one Meal a Day (they get fed twice) for a Week. I'll start off with Her Normal Dry Food In the Morning and then Feed Her In the Evening with Raw So It's Turkey Necks and any old Scraps of Meat? I plan on stripping It off the Bone and Feeding It like that. Butch
  21. Very f*ckin' funny! I've started Biking Her since this Evening, I'll carry on Walking Her for the 2 Miles In the Afternoon but Instead of the 2 Mile Walk In the Evening I'll walk Her about half a Mile and have Her Trot beside my Bike for about 1.5 Miles I might nip up to the Butchers Tomorrow and get some Meat Scraps to feed Her, I'm thinking about giving Her Half Her normal dry Food and mixing In some Meat? Butch
  22. With all the Joint problems most of 'em have nowadays, I don't think It's a very good Idea to cross them Into a Lurcher! Not sure about using a good working GS out of 'good' lines? Butch
  23. Last time I went there was Clay Shooting and I think there was Dog related stuff, not sure. It was definitely alot better than the one In the Suffolk Showground though! Butch
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