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Everything posted by pip1968

  1. shes in season now mush has been for a few days but she wont be bred of for a few years yet mate
  2. im sure mushroom will be along shortly to fill you in on all the details,he may even give you a guided tour
  3. was out this morning nige with her and my other 2 lurchers just bushing rhoddies and bramble she got her nose down and took of with the lurcher singing like a goodun as she worked the cover but dont know what they were after,the lurcher returned and i could still here not to far away,so well pleased with her and not bad for 11mths old
  4. as longers said but plant your feet where your comfortable and point your arm in the direction of what your shooting and dont move when taking a shot just draw back the elastic take aim all in one movement you,ll get their in the end
  5. take it to a phone shop and they,ll sort it for you,thats what i did
  6. whats the cost for that longers,,,,my bezzy mate
  7. nice catties them mate,,does us all a favour show basil a what a yew tree is
  8. you should be killing all sorts with these catties your getting come on gafer get some pics up
  9. just be careful running a pup at this time of year,your run might start of on short grass but a rabbit will head for any long grass and whos to say whats lying in the rough convered by the long grass and thats just not pups thats goes for older experienced dogs aswell and you could end up with a pup out for the rest of the season thanks,she's a deerhound cross and 15 months old,she's had abit of lamping the end of last season and done well.going out tonight for hopefully a few easy rabbits for a bit more experience.better than leaving the dogs in the kennels and playing on the computer
  10. just be careful running a pup at this time of year,your run might start of on short grass but a rabbit will head for any long grass and whos to say whats lying in the rough convered by the long grass and thats just not pups thats goes for older experienced dogs aswell and you could end up with a pup out for the rest of the season
  11. i didnt know their was seasons,my dogs havent had a night of in years
  12. got this of watch your vid gnipper
  13. i had to look at that again as it looked like it was painted,,,nice photo
  14. looking good gaz so this will be its first proper season like my pup
  15. tbh aidy most of the nests i found are right on my doorstep and found while taking the dogs out for a walk,and with small garden birds they usually nest at the sides of paths in bramble bushes or hedgerows and you can find most quite easily by tapping the cover with a egging stick and the bird flys out giving its nesting area away
  16. would you consider a swap for a pistol i found in a wood wrapped up with 3 bullets
  17. thats why i dont hang around with you no more stan,,,,couldnt bare people pointing all the time and laughing
  18. their mute swans eggs then kev as the canada lines its nest with its down feathers and theyre just in a straw nest with crisp wrappers and ciggie boxs
  19. they look like mallards kev A lot bigger than that mate i thought as much but didnt want to put canada goose down
  20. I've opened a discount clothing store just for black people. Primate.

  21. this is a job for operation yewtree
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