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Everything posted by pip1968

  1. yuo will get really good advice of here mate if needed atb
  2. just a thought the rabbits will all colours
  3. took me dog for a crap 6.30am yesterday with the lamp on local playing field slipped me dog on a rabbit 2 turns nailed it on the hedge.back in house 10min later. went out 9 last nite bagged another 2 was back in for 10oclock so wasnt a bad day just short and not much about either
  4. was out early one morning sees a rabbit in the middle of a field by an old telegragh pole slips me dog hes all over it i thaught thats dead next min the dogs dogs standing their looking confused i walked over to see were it had gone no sign ov it any where no holes no grass nothing rang me mate told him what had happend and he said it had happend to him even naming the telegraghpole where i was
  5. good to hear that neal thats [bANNED TEXT] has happend with them ushould have seen the inspectors face when we went to get the last dog back we pissed are selves laughing o and the dog actually looked in good condition
  6. i think clive and his vet are wating for the kennel reports.its the first time hes ever been refused by the rspca
  7. hello neal the 6mnth old dog came back really thin, but the lad couldnt be assed leavin his dog plus the hassle so took it, she stunk, coverd in dandruff an tail bleeding. her nails were very long too, she walks a litte flat footed now. horible state like.
  8. first light you say they helped you out they wanted about 10,000 in kennel fees of the lad even though they had nowt on him
  9. thats exactly what they tried to say laughfable
  10. the funny thing about this case was they only took 1 lad to court on cruelty charges for injuries to the other dog it was then ajurned till jan 11 clive got there the day before went in with the prosicution his own vet and theirs the case got dropped it took 9mnths and a total waste ov tax payers money
  11. thanks long stuff thats me daughters fella it was his first dog he was really gutted when they pounded her .but well pleased with the outcome thanks
  12. whin type in dogs to be dna tested and post it on here as im crap on conputers
  13. thanks lads me mate even told the rspca ive got more dogs at home fucken take them.she replied i dont want to ruin ye life
  14. alright mate iv just done the other rspca right up for me mate so i know what ye going through just fight it all the way the pricks will give in if theirs no evidence atb
  15. just got in had a shine with the lads who the case was against only 1hr walk 2 bunnies they reckin clive might take it further asthe rspca have refused him the kennel reports on any treatment the dog received if there was any injury
  16. ye maybe me mate got clive out of countrymans he tore the case to bits
  17. mate just got dog back after 9mths with them scum started of on a hare coursing charge with 2 other lads.merseyside wildlife officer rachel kruger turns up sniffer dogs in field for 15min found fcuk all,gamekeeper switches lights of on jeep drives by side of lord derbys wall and came back with a frozen hare which me mate said had been shot.me mate ask for his dog to be dna tested against the hare as he hadnt caught it police new it was a set up but had to be seen doing something even tho they caught them on a public road dogs on leads and not a single private sign up.they then end up in the ce
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