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Everything posted by pip1968

  1. hope your mate gets his dogs back brookie and the thieving scum get what they deserve
  2. you don't poach other lads land if you know them,but everywhere else is fair game
  3. joe public wouldn't know the difference between a hare and a rabbit its your word against theirs..so just crack on
  4. some dogs never see them even when their standing right on top of the rabbit iv seen it happen plenty of times,i think they just like moving things tbh and just look out for that movement
  5. i was going to post that i got 11 rabbits and put some pics up but fook it now
  6. good write up kev enjoyed reading that and loved the photos
  7. ive been turning mine daily in a bin and just took all the outer leafy stuff off as most have gone hard and dark brown but ill lm leaving them for a couple more weeks just to ripen up properly any ideas welcome as what to make with them ie cakes or sweet type things
  8. gafer uses a photo of me on dating sites to pull birds
  9. We didn't play very well, or create enough chances & we feel it is definitely 2 points dropped against one of the lesser teams... said the Burnley manager.

    1. jeppi26


      He's not wrong hahaha

  10. when did you get nicked as the court case will be on the net,id like to read it floyd
  11. so you now have to pay for a course before paying for the test or is it all in
  12. you just book a course,you sit at a comp for about 15mins and pass its that easy then hand over £65
  13. why didn't you look out of season if you really wanted a saluki to start running now
  14. Merseyside gets hit bad with mixy every year,sefton has had it really bad as a mate has caught around 40 rabbits already so whats died naturally as well as what other people have caught
  15. well done ray and trigger looks like you have a good spot for bunnies
  16. tomo 1. if I don't clean it I get grief of the missus
  17. had this discussion yesterday and its a pain after a nights lamping especially now the fields are getting muddier,every well in the car is covered with mud and straw that is stuck to the lads boots and all up the door panels it took me 2 hours to clean it the other day
  18. as you can see mr tibbs your thread has already been ruined and you have,nt even mentioned a saluki x
  19. as someone says in the comments,,ragwort is more deadlier and a lot more common
  20. pip1968

    Mice !

    you need to move house quickly
  21. not far of 12mths old Floyd and showing good promise up to know
  22. well happy with this pup of basil brush shes already had a few rabbits on the lamp and a couple in the day
  23. Ebola has arrived in the U.K Arsenal are set to offer him a 3 year contract

  24. poaching someones land aint permission gafer
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